

ready to live healthy, happy & strong?


Meet our Warriors, people just like YOu!

Rise Up / Success Stories

I have gained my confidence back and I finally feel like me again!! Being confident is a trait I hope to instill in my kids, and now I can lead by example. I developed habits I continue to implement past the 6 weeks of Rise Up. …

Success Stories

Results Fitness is an amazing place! The coaches are the best cheerleaders for your success and if you’re honest with them, they will help you succeed in many areas of your health, including your diet. …

Success Stories

Since first stating at Results Fitness, I feel more confident and more energized. I am experiencing less and less muscle and joint pain the more AND MORE I move! When attending my Small Group Personal Training Sessions, the younger individuals unknowingly motivate me; they are so smart! Those that are older, inspire me! I want to reach their age and be moving like them! …

Success Stories

At 55, I feel stronger than I did at 40 or 35! I had a second chance at life. Before cancer, exercise was something I did if I had time or felt like doing it. But now, after experiencing how a healthier lifestyle can have a positive impact on my life, exercising is something I want to do! …

Success Stories


Participating in Small Group Personal Training has helped me to successfully transition from my fast paced, poor technique workouts, to one that is ultimately safe and more enjoyable. It’s nice to be able to hang with people who are accepting of where you are in your workout journey, just as they are! …

Rise Up / Success Stories

I lost 6 lbs, 9 lbs of fat and inches off my waist. In just 6 weeks, I have come a long way. I am not where I want to be with my results so seeing these results in 6 weeks has me motivated to keep going and see where I am in another 6-8 weeks. …


"My life has really improved: I’ve lost 40 pounds, dropped 5.1% body fat, seven inches off my waist, and five inches off my hips! I’ve even lowered my blood pressure by ten points. I haven’t felt this good in years!"


"It’s important to share this the longest I have ever stuck with a fitness routine.  Ever. The reason is Results Fitness focuses on health and wellness, not fads and quick fixes.  There is no pressure, only support to stay consistent and invest in your health."

Lindsey & Joe

"Looking back to life before Results Fitness, everything has changed for the better! Doing this together has brought us closer and having the support makes it more fun. We keep each other accountable, cheer one another on and share healthy goals!"


"I was having a hard time finding a place that could meet my aging needs and make me feel good about myself again. This experience solidified that becoming part of the Results Fitness family was the best thing I did for myself."


"This isn’t a diet. And, it’s not a short-term, deprive yourself so you can get thin endeavor. Rather, it’s a complete reset on what, why, and how much you eat."

Shawn & Jordan

"Results Fitness is more than just a gym; it is also a family. From day one, you will feel welcomed and supported, no matter what your goals are. If you are looking for your “gym home” but not sure where to start - just DO IT by trying RF!"

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