
Jordan & Shawn: Their Story of Health & Happiness Glory!

Meet RF power couple Jordan & Shawn! February 2022 marks their 6-month anniversary as RF Warriors AND their very first Valentine’s Day spent as a newly engaged couple – yay!

For this month’s Warrior Blog, we are celebrating Jordan and Shawn and learning how committing to this health, fitness and nutrition stuff together fuels motivation, maximizes accountability and helps build healthy habits that stick (not to mention, makes the experience way more FUN!).

Meet Shawn and Jordan and be inspired to live healthy, happy and strong for life!


Before Results Fitness, Jordan and Shawn had their fears about getting started; unsure if Results Fitness would be a good fit.

Jordan: “I was concerned I would fall into bad habits again. There have been several instances in the past of me paying for a gym membership without actually going to the gym.”

Shawn: “My biggest fear was having to go through the inevitably awkward introductory and intimidation period that can come with finding a new gym. I was new to the Mayfield Heights area and was coming from a gym I absolutely loved and had formed a close-knit “gym family” with the last 5 years. After moving, the hour drive just wasn’t practical. At first, I was skeptical and admittedly, a little bit pessimistic, whether Results Fitness could live up to my old gym. But, after hearing great things from others about RF, Jordan and I knew we had to try it out.”


It’s no secret consistency, accountability and motivation are the most common challenges when joining a gym or starting a new fitness program. As you probably know, it all feels new and exciting until the honeymoon phase wears and life gets “busy’’. Despite your best effort, what you’re doing no longer holds your attention, doesn’t keep you accountable and you have zero motivation to show up. You fall back into the habits that had initially held you back and look for all the reasons why “now” isn’t the “right” time.

For Jordan and Shawn, these common challenges had gotten in the way before and understandably, made them nervous about starting.

Here’s what happened when they decided to try Results Fitness and how life has since changed:

Jordan: “My biggest fitness struggle is consistency and accountability but that has since changed since becoming a Results Fitness Warrior! Results Fitness is unlike any gym I have belonged to before. I’m not stuck running or walking on a treadmill for half an hour, then fumbling my way through several weight machines and not actually making any difference. Results Fitness classes are highly engaging and have great variety!

The coaches are always there to offer support, correct your form and push you harder. RF makes you want to come back each day. I am definitely feeling more confident in myself and slowly working towards feeling comfortable with how I look.”

Shawn: “Before Results Fitness, my biggest fitness struggle was sometimes lacking the motivation to get up and get myself to the gym. However, joining RF with my fiancé Jordan means we have a built-in accountability partner in the other to lean on and push each other to be better. This continuously proves to be so important for us both.

When I first started, I wasn’t sure RF would be the right fit. I’m so incredibly happy to report that all such worries and pessimism vanished within the first week as it quickly felt like home! The atmosphere at Results Fitness is so inviting and addicting that we don’t even mind the 20-minute commute since moving to Northfield in October.

Since joining Results Fitness, I feel like I am more in tune with my personal goals and know I can ask coaches Josh, Melanie and Amie anything and expect a thoughtful and quick reply. The coaches can always be counted on to help me fix issues with form on various moves and for extra motivation. I find myself looking to push past my comfort zone where weights, movements and fitness are concerned to make progress.”


Jordan: “Results Fitness is more than just a gym; it is also a family.  From day one, you will feel welcomed and supported, no matter what your goals are.  Whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or just simply want a good sweat, RF is the place. You can find support in any of the coaches or any of the other members.”

Shawn: “If you are looking for your “gym home” but not sure where to start – just DO IT by trying RF!

You’ve likely taken the leap before with other gyms and this is far less scary (think no intimidation and lots of welcoming FUN). If this is your first visit to a gym, or first in a while, know that it will feel like “home” sooner than you would ever have imagined possible. Regardless of age, ability, strength, and current fitness level, there is a place for you at RF, and you’re going to love it here!

Also, don’t fret too much in those first two weeks when every part of you is sorer than you ever imagined. Foam roll frequently. If you have a son, daughter or significant other at home who may also benefit from some attention to health and fitness, don’t hesitate to join RF together with them. We have really enjoyed doing RF together and are so happy we joined together back in August and look forward to many more years.”

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