The Truth About Eating Before Bed


To eat or not to eat before bed – that is thee question! I’d bet a pretty Vegas penny you’ve heard “Eating before bed is BAD and makes you gain weight!” ….am I right?!

The late-night snack attacks taunts us all, especially when cravings kick in as you tip-toe to the kitchen, searching for that insatiable treat to make your belly happy (all while trying to justify WHY it’s happening):

You had a stressful day – ice cream!

You NEED a salty something – chips!

You are bored - mindless eating while binging your fave show!

Whether you should or should not eat before bed remains the eighth wonder of the world, until now.

So…. is eating before bed “bad”? Does it make you gain weight? Why do the snack attacks always strike before bed?

I am here to tell you on the surface level, eating before bed does NOT necessarily lead to weight gain. There’s so much more that goes into this so in today’s blog, you are going to learn:

  • What causes weight gain

  • Benefits of bedtime snacks

  • 6 bedtime snacks to try


All of us have been (incorrectly) led to believe eating before beds causes weight gain. Can this be true? Sure, but it can also be very false!

Gaining weight is the direct result of eating MORE calories than you are burning (also known as a calorie surplus). Consistently eating in a calorie surplus leads to weight gain. It’s that simple and a proven, undisputable science.

So the answer to this question has everything to do with how much you’re eating —>CALORIES<— and NOTHING to do with time of day. When it comes to weight gain, it’s all about QUANTITY! Your body does NOT hold onto to calories differently just because you’re eating late at night. Your body does not know what time it is when you eat so the timing of your meals is completely irrelevant.

Example #1: Let’s say your body needs 1,800 calories a day to maintain its current weight. Whether you eat all 1,800 calories at night before bed or, spread those calories throughout the day, it’s still 1,800 calories. As long as you consistently stay at 1,800 calories, you can maintain your current weight.

Example #2 - let’s take this a step further: IF you consistently eat more than those 1,800 calories, you will be in a calorie surplus and can gain weight. Now this is where the relationship between eating before bed and gaining weight COULD come into play:

The challenge with eating before bed is first, choices and secondly, calories. Most late-night snacks involve high calorie foods - think processed sweets, salty, crunchy foods and adult beverages. NO shame in your snacking game but these foods add up quick, calorically speaking, and are hard to stop eating because they don’t fill you up. Now, if you were reaching for real foods like fresh fruit, carrots, etc., these are lower in calories plus and fill you up quick! Think about how much easier it is to smash an entire bag of chips or popcorn compared to entire bag of carrots or 5 apples.

The second challenge is that for most, these late-night snacks are EXTRA calories because by that point, you’ve (likely) already hit your maintenance calories for the day. That means those late-night snacks = extra calories = calorie surplus. As mentioned, being in a calorie surplus causes weight gain. However, IF the calories you eat before bed are NOT extra calories, then you won’t be in a surplus.

Biggest takeaway: In most cases, anything you eat before bed is typically extra calories and over time, consistently eating MORE calories than you are burning leads to weight gain.


You read that correctly! Enjoying a bedtime snack can very much be a part of a well-balanced diet! Remember, this has nothing to do with timing and everything to do with quantity (calories). As a certified nutrition coach, I constantly preach how food = FUEL, with bedtime snacks being no exception. That’s right! Eating before bed can actually be good for you - here’s why:

#1. Stabilizes Blood Sugars: A balanced snack before bed can help keep your blood sugar levels stabilized throughout the night so you sleep more soundly.

#2. Keeps You Satisfied: Having a SATISFIED (not full) belly can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep throughout the night.

#3. Repairs Your Body: Your body is hard at work repairing itself while you sleep. Adding some fuel to your tank before bed can help this process along.

#4. Suppresses Your Appetite: A snack before bed can help improve your morning appetite. You will be less likely to wake up hangry and may also have more energy upon waking.

Now, here’s the MOST important tip: not all snacks are created equal. When choosing a bedtime snack, opt for REAL foods and always include a protein, SMART carb and heart healthy fat. This trifecta ensures you stay satisfied through the night. Below are some examples - get creative, pair together what you like and enjoy!

  • Protein: Greek yogurt, turkey, chicken, tuna, eggs + egg whites, cottage cheese, protein powder for smoothie / smoothie bowl

  • Smart Carbs: fruit, oats, quinoa, whole grains

  • Heart healthy fats: almond / nut / peanut butter, cashews, almonds, pecans, pistashios, pumpkin + chia seeds, avocado, olives, hummus

Biggest takeaway: You do NOT gain weight simply because you eat before bed. You can gain weight from eating before bed IF these are extra calories / you are in a calorie surplus.


Here are quick, easy and healthy bedtime snacks you can start trying tonight:

  1. Bananas-Bananas are a good source of tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid your body converts to serotonin; which is a brain chemical that controls your mood and sleep.

    • Cottage cheese topped with bananas and a sprinkle of cinnamon

    • Baked bananas. Slice lengthwise and sprinkle with coconut flakes and cinnamon. Bake until soft and warmed through.

    • Slumber Smoothie (see recipe below)

  2. Peanut Butter-Peanuts are another great source of tryptophan.

    • PB stuffed sweet potato. Half a baked sweet potato, drizzle with PB and a drizzle of honey.

    • PB toast. Natural PB on a slice of whole grain bread and a sprinkle of chia seeds.

  3. Yogurt-You guessed it! Another source of tryptophan.

    • Plain Greek yogurt topped with berries

    • Cookie dough yogurt (see recipe below)

  4. Tart Cherries-Contain melatonin which is a sleep promoting hormone.

    • Tart cherry smoothie-yogurt, frozen banana, frozen cherries

  5. Milk-High in magnesium which is linked to good sleep.

    • Golden milk-(see recipe below) As an added bonus, the turmeric in golden milk also has anti inflammatory properties.

  6. Cacao Nibs-Nature’s dark chocolate. High in magnesium and healthy fats to keep you satiated.

    • Slice an apple and top with a drizzle of almond butter and a sprinkle of cacao nibs


Cookie Dough Yogurt:

  • 1 small container plain nonfat Greek yogurt

  • 1 Tbsp. nut butter of choice

  • 1 Tbsp honey

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • Dash of sea salt

  • 1 Tbsp dark chocolate chips or cacao nibs

  • Mix and enjoy!

    Golden Milk

  • 1 Cup of low-fat milk or almond milk

  • 2 tsp. Honey

  • ½ sp. Vanilla

  • ½ tsp. Cinnamon

  • ¼ tsp. Turmeric

  • ⅛ tsp. Ground ginger

  • Warm milk and blend with the remainder of ingredients.

    Slumber Smoothie

  • 2 cups baby spinach

  • 1 cup almond milk

  • 1 banana

  • 1 tsp. Honey

  • Blend and enjoy!

Stay Fueled