
Maribeth’s Story of Nutrition Glory!

“When I first started Results Fitness, I felt like I belonged, and everyone wanted to see me succeed.”

— RF Warrior Maribeth

Meet Results Fitness Warrior, Maribeth L.  Hi Maribeth!

Maribeth has been hustling since first becoming part of the Results Fitness community in April, 2019.

In just 6 months, Maribeth has not only committed to making her health + fitness a top priority, but fully embracing creating a healthier lifestyle both on and off the training floor.  She understands being healthy is about more than just lifting weights, getting your heart rate pumping and having some sweaty fun.  She accepts being healthy is learning how to build and sustain a happy, comfortable and realistic lifestyle through habits that support the way you want to look, feel + live!

Check out Maribeth’s results!

  • Lost 22.4lbs.

  • Lost 5.7% body fat

  • Cinched 4 inches off her waist

  • Cinched 5 inches off her hips

Maribeth’s exponential growth, continued progress and badass results come as NO surprise.  She consistently shows up at least 3x/week and holds herself accountable every step of the way.  While it’s not always easy, it’s something she’s chosen to do because she knows her health is important and wants to be the best role model for her 3 daughters.

The other secrets to her success?

First, committing to finding a way to make it all work!  As a mother, finding time for yourself can feel impossible.  But your role as a parent is greatly shaped by your own physical + mental health. Yes, it’s very true – getting started and just showing up are the hardest parts but when you do, you immediately start reaping your ROI and realize how important your health is.

Secondly, having a positive mindset! Maribeth just doesn’t show up – she shows up with a smile, ready to work!  Her friendly demeanor + positivity makes pushing heavy ass sleds actually feel enjoyable!

After taking a hiatus from exercise and making time for herself, it’s safe to say Maribeth’s return is a force to be reckoned with.  She even recently engaged her husband Dennis to join the ranks as an official RF Warrior!  Together, this power couple keeps one another accountable and can enjoy living life better as a family!


Before I started the Personalized Nutrition Coaching program, my biggest fear was failing. Having tried several other weight loss programs multiple times, I tend to start out strong then slowly revert back to my old habits. Eventually, I stop participating and then quit.

“When I first started Results Fitness, I felt like I belonged, and everyone wanted to see me succeed. ” 

I joined Results Fitness on April 1st, 2019 ready to make a change! Shortly after starting my new health and fitness adventure, I learned about the Personalized Nutrition Coaching program through a good friend Tammy, who highly recommended it based on her continued successes with the program.

At this point, I decided to really commit to the whole lifestyle process – exercise and nutrition – to get the most effective results. I signed up for the Fuel Your Way To Fit Personalized Nutrition Coaching program just three weeks after first joining.

Initially, my biggest struggle with nutrition coaching was being honest about what I ate.   After all…if you don’t log it, it doesn’t count, right?!

Admittedly, I knew lying about what or how much I was eating would only backfire and of course, show during my check-in’s with Coach Matt. This level of personal accountability really empowered me to make good choices and held me to my commitment to be all in and make serious changes.

“This is the first program I’ve done where I never felt like I was going to fail.” 







Coach Matt makes your customized nutrition program so simple to follow. He understood my challenges around why these types of programs haven’t worked in the past and together, we strategized and overcame those obstacles.  My biggest take-away has been implementing the things I learned into my everyday living.  This is a really big deal because as you’ve probably experienced, “dieting” is always short-lived.

Comparatively, this program truly helps you develop a realistic and sustainable lifestyle that best works for you. Because of nutrition coaching, I’m continually meal prepping for the week and doing my best to plan what I’ll be eating in advance. That leaves out the variable of eating on the run, which for me always ends in making poor food choices.

“I have never felt so successful. It isn’t a diet; it is a way of eating. In 12 weeks, I reached goals I never thought I’d would be able to reach!  Like so many others, I have joined several gyms and tried various workout programs in the past. All of which, I started and left without achieving much. ” 

I can honestly say I’ve lifted and challenged myself more in the last 5 months than in the last 10 years.  Personalized Nutrition Coaching proved to be another powerful motive for me and a very impactful compliment to my exercise routine when it came to getting results. As a mother of 3 daughters, it’s important I lead by example with not only fitness, but good nutrition as well.







If you want help with food and nutrition – what to eat, how much, how to change habits and make better decisions – call or email your RF team today!

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