

“I will be doing Rise Up again come January, 2022 and the only thing I know for sure is this: in 6 weeks I will be in the best shape of my life!”


My biggest fear when I started Results Fitness was looking out of shape compared to the other RF Warriors. Being a firefighter/paramedic for the last 26 years, I didn’t want to look weak, because you know, firemen are all “big and strong”.

Meeting new people is always a little nervous and naturally you want to make a good first impression so I opted for the heavier weights my first few workouts. I quickly realized no one cares about the weights you’re using. The people at Results Fitness are just glad to see you and their focus is on what they’re doing, not my workout.

I will admit, still to this day I will peak at the other guys’ weights out of curiosity. Although I am always 10-15 lbs less, I am OK with it because it’s not about how much weight you lift, it’s about getting in shape and doing the exercises correctly with good form.


I signed up for my first Rise Up just two months after joining Results Fitness. Knowing this program was more than the workouts I was doing, I feared not having the will power to stay committed. A big part of Rise Up is accountability, following the program and tracking healthy habits so they become part of your everyday life. Beyond just exercise, the focus was getting enough sleep, water and eating healthier meals and snacks.

In the end, it was amazing what happened by just tracking these 4 habits. I lost 20 lbs, 16 lbs of fat, 4 inches off my waist, felt 1,000% better and in the best shape of my life! My hard work and consistency paid off, I was awarded the Rise Up crown and dubbed the “Rise Up King”. My biggest take-away from my first Rise Up was how important sleep is. Getting those 7 hours every night makes everything else much easier.

My second time doing Rise Up was just this past year. This time around, I lost 22 lbs, 12 lbs of fat, and 3.5 inches off my waist. I am not sure if it’s having to sign up and pay for Rise Up or the fact I was crowned “Rise Up King” and want to defend my title (I am a little competitive when it comes to this stuff).



Having completed two Rise Up programs, I’ve learned how effective it is at leading me back to a healthier lifestyle: eating healthy meals and snacks, exercising 4 days a week, drinking plenty of water, getting 7 hours of sleep every night, logging all my food, and usually running 3-4 days on top of my workouts. Being part of the program also helps shift my mindset: I become the “will power king” and stay committed to healthy habits.

If you are thinking about participating in Rise Up In 6 Weeks for the first time or, wondering if you should do it again, my advice to you is YES, you should do it (or, do it again).

With 100% certainty, I can say I will be doing Rise Up again come January 2022 and the only thing I know for sure is this: in 6 weeks I will be in the best shape of my life!


If you or anyone you know is struggling with diet and exercise, I would say Results Fitness offers help with every aspect of healthy living. It combines exercising, eating the right food, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, staying injury free and learning how to deal with stress. You will learn how to make changes in your life for a BETTER YOU!

The coaching staff is amazing; always providing options to improve your fitness. If you have bad knees like I do, the coaches work with you and give modifications. You have nothing to lose by trying Results Fitness! From the coaches to the staff and fellow Warriors, everyone is all our super nice, kind, friendly and helpful. You will make a lot of new friends at this gym and get in the best shape of your life!

Oh and that part about going for the heavier weights when you first start?

My advice coming into Results Fitness is to use lighter weights so you can first and foremost, learn all the new exercises and get those old tired muscles that have not been used in a long time ready without getting injured. Slowly, increase your weights as you become more confident in the exercises. Another lesson I learned? We all have days that are better than others so if you’re feeling tired one day, choose the lighter weights and believe me, you’re still going to sweat your ass off!!

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