

You always hear the Results Fitness coaches talking about the importance of sleep because it’s a big deal. Sleep impacts our health + fitness goals from our body composition (how you fit into clothes) to how + what we eat.

With everything currently going on with quarantining and state @ home orders, now is the time to really hone in on your sleep, especially because it relieves anxiety, hunger, cravings, and stress.


The reasons most of us give for not getting a solid 7+ hours of sleep – such as being too busy with work or life demands – is rarely the true reason.

Typically, voluntary bedtime delay is to blame. Meaning, we tend to stay up too late because we are watching tv, playing games, working on hobbies, or generally doing anything except sleeping.


#1. Body Composition – Research shows adults who sleep less than 7 hours per night have a higher BMI (body mass index) AND this relationship is dose-responsive meaning the less sleep you get, the higher your BMI.

You will also be hungrier – usually for carbs and sweets – when you sleep less. This is because ghrelin (the hunger hormone) will increase while leptin (which stimulates appetite) will decrease with adequate sleep. Essentially, you get hungrier with less sleep.

#2. Health – Sleeping for less than 7.5 hours per night puts you at higher risk for: heart attack, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

More importantly, reduced sleep lowers your immune system. With inadequate sleep, our bodies produce fewer cytokines which target infection and inflammation.

So, get your sleep to fight Covid 19!

#3. Brain/Mind – Inadequate sleep is a massive burden on day to day life. From brain fog to fatigue to being cranky – we are kidding ourselves if we think otherwise.


#1. Sleep in a cold, dark environment – Most sleep at better than 68 degrees.

#2. Try to sleep and wake around the same time – This is a super powerful tool to get your body’s internal clock to assist you in deep, restful sleep

#3. No Caffeine After 2pm – Research has shown that caffeine can affect your sleep up to 8 hours after consumption, even if you don’t notice it.

#4. Sleep Rituals

  • Turn Off Screens and Electronics

  • Lower the Lights

  • Do a Brain Dump

#5. Do SOMETHING Relaxing for About 30 Minutes

  • Read fiction (or read your kids a quiet bedtime story).

  • Take a warm or very cold bath or shower.

  • Have sex (doesn’t count if you’re alone, though).

  • Meditate, or do some deep breathing techniques.

  • Listen to relaxing music.

  • Pet your dog or cat.


Today is the day you start honing in on your sleep (thank us later). Though highly underrated, you can rest peacefully knowing your 7+ hours are making a huge difference on your physical, mental and emotional health. Pick two items from the list above and craft your very own sleep ritual unique to you! Have your significant other join for additional support + accountability!

Want to learn more about the importance of your sleep? Click the video now!







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