What is the key to YOUR personal health, fitness and nutrition success?
What is the #1 driver of YOUR results or, lack thereof?
OMG Coach Josh, been there, heard that!
When it comes to reaching ANY goal and seeing results, CONSISTENCY is always and will always be KING and here’s why:
You are what you repeatedly do over and over and over again!
As coaches, our main objectives are first, promoting healthy habits and second, helping you build and fit these healthy habits into your busy, demanding lives each and every day.
Even if you and I have never met (not yet at least!), my hope is these blogs help you understand how to take that first step, what to do and how to do it when it comes to adding healthier habits into your lifestyle.
Why? Because I know figuring this stuff out on your own can be hard and you probably don’t have time to waste spinning your wheels.
After my care-free college days ended and I began my young career as a trainer 20+ years ago, it become clear what was missing in this industry and why exercise is sooo hard for so many.
Most gyms approach health and fitness as a one-size fits all approach; providing access to merely equipment and machines instead of providing access to human interaction: coaches for guidance and support and a community that inspries, motivates and makes exercise fun!
I saw it back then and still see it now in other gyms: people of all ages and fitness levels walk into a typical, big box gym, unsure what to do or how to use the machines/equipment.
No one is there to help guide/coach these individuals, so most are blindly going at it alone, using machines with visible uncertainty or resorting to the treadmill out of pure intimidation.
Others are getting bored and leaving before they even start!
It’s frustrating to see people with good intentions show up wanting to better themselves and not receive the coaching and support they need to succeed.
It’s equally scary how some gyms and coaches/personal trainers just throw together super random training programs without proper thought and mindful execution. This is highly dangerous and often leads to injury.
What was missing and continues to be missing is human connection, coaching, accountability, and well-designed training programs!
When I started Results Fitness, there wasn’t a need for another “gym”. There was a crucial need for actual COACHING, ACCOUNTABILITY and SUPPORT (community).
This is the stuff that helps you build consistent, healthy habits so you achieve your goals and get results!
Yet, this is the stuff you can’t find everywhere and exactly why most people struggle with seeing results and making permanent changes.
According to recent data, $10/month gym members like those that belong to Planet Fitness:
Attend their gym less than 1x/week
See a decrease in their attendance each month of their membership
Have a greater than 25% chance of quitting during any month
Workout alone with no guidance
You shouldn’t expect Results Fitness to be a “run of the mill gym” because we’re not. We are a community filled with humans who genuinely care about you and understand what you need to succeed!
And it comes down to being CONSISTENT!
The most effective tools for being consistent and building consistent habits is having access to and working with a coach, being held accountable, being part of a community and feeling connected!
Walking through our doors you will find and immediately experience that coaching, accountability and support exists both in and outside the gym.
You don’t show up and go at this stuff alone. You are coached, guided and supported every step of the way based on your individual needs and fitness level because consistency is the difference between seeing results or not; between achieving your goals or falling short.
In today’s blog, I am talking about:
Why consistency feels so hard
How coaching, accountability and support = game changer for getting results!
What to do if you need help being consistent!
Being consistent with anything in life involves planning and takes sacrifice but your health is your wealth and this investment in yourself is one of the best, most important things you will do in this life.
Consistency is hard as hell and when paired with the perfect storm also known as the holiday season or summer when life is more busy than normal, we are quickly and easily thrown off track.
When we fall off track, we get comfortable and when we get comfortable, we make excuses about why we can’t go to the gym or eat better. We make excuses to justify skipping workouts, grocery shopping and meal prepping and instead, choose to occupy our time with “other stuff”.
Do you see a pattern here? excuses, excuses, excuses.
I get it and confess I need to practice what I preach because consistency has been hard for me as well. But here’s the straight up truth:
We ALL need to push ourselves to either get back to those consistent, healthy habits or, begin creating them one day, one step at a time!
And I know you are more likely to succeed if you are being coached, supported and held accountable so the Results Fitness team is here to do exactly that!
If you want RESULTS and know that having that coaching, accountability, support, FUN, and community is exactly what you NEED but have been missing, I am here for you! This is why I and your RF coaches show up every day – we understand what YOU need to succeed!
Now I admit, the timing of this blog is intentional because summer is nearing and this is when I see a HUGE shift in people’s mindsets and priorities. Kids are out of school, there is less structure and daily routine, you want to be outside taking advantage of the nice weather, beer gardens are calling your name for happy hour, it’s time to hop on the Put-In-Bay fairy for a weekend of debauchery, BBQ’s are lit on the weekends, late night bonfires and s’mores…….
You see where I am going with this and it’s all the more incentive to start or get back to building those healthy habits now so that come summer, you are in a good routine and set up for success!
And remember, you do NOT have to do this alone (and you probably don’t have time to waste figuring it out) so hey hey hey – let me and the RF coaches help you!
All’s you have to do is show up and let us do the thinking for you.
Just show up and know you are always being taken care of in a safe, clean studio with coaches to show you what to do and how to do it the right way so you don’t get hurt, you get results, you feel better, improve your health and are living your best life!
Not to mention, all RF exercise programs are scientifically proven to be 100% effective and deliver results when you are consistent and when you put in the effort.
This is what it means to not just “join” Results Fitness, but BELONG to a community who always has your back! This is how you live life healthy, happy and strong.
There’s a reason you are reading this and a stronger reason you want to make changes and see results- feel better, be healthier, lose weight, have more energy, alleviate chronic pain – whatever those results may be. There’s a reason you got started in the first place or, have been wanting to get started. Dig deep, revisit that feeling, thought or trigger for wanting this and ignite that flame baby!
If you’re on the brink of getting started, I want to meet you! This is the hardest part and the part we commonly talk ourselves out of before taking that first step:
Today is the day to nix the excuses and take that next step by scheduling a FREE 1:1 Strategy Session HERE to talk to an RF coach and learn exactly how we will work together to get you the results you want!
If you’re part of the RF community but in that gray zone of showing up, then taking time off, then showing up again, I want to see you MORE! I want you showing up MORE, and I want you to challenge yourself.
Today is the day to nix the excuses and get back to prioritizing and scheduling your RF workouts by emailing me HERE to hold you accountable and put a plan in place!
Remember: if it’s been a few days, few weeks or a few months, this is only going to get harder. You are moving completely away from where you want to be. I see this all the time – a break here, missed workouts there and before you know it, you are back to square one and super frustrated. Or, you keep talking yourself out of getting started.
Do you want to be living all frustrated or regretting you wish you started sooner? Probably not.
I want this for you, and I want to give you the swift kick you need to make this happen.
I’m your coach, I genuinely care about you, and my job isn’t to sit silently on the sidelines. My job is to push you out of your comfort zone, remind you YOU CAN do what you think you can’t and coach the heck outta’ you so you hit your goals, feel your best and live healthy, happy and strong.
If you need help, need to get started, need more accountability and / or need me to come get your a$$ out of bed or off the couch, click the button now so I can personally help you!
If you’ve been slipping, MIA or making choices I genuinely know aren’t helping you, I’m coming for ya!!!!!
If you’ve been reading our blogs, lovingly stalking our website or talking to your friends about us and still have NOT reached out to ask for help, today is your day.
Just remember this is all for YOU, you are the captain on this journey, you have to want this for yourself but know our team will guide and support you! Click the box now, talk to an RF coach and share what’s on your heart and mind. Let’s chat about a strategy you are excited about, talk about your fears and figure out the most best way to move forward, one step, one day at a time. Click the box now to talk to a coach and get the help you need!
Don’t do this alone – I got you!
Keep Moving