
PSA: How Handheld Devices are Ruining Your Results!

The Detrimental Effects of Distraction: How Tech Ruins Results!

In today’s technology-driven world, society has grown obsessively attached and codependent on handheld devices.

From iPhones, Android’s, Apple watches, FitBits and tablets, you, me and everyone reading this experiences separation anxiety after just minutes without screen time.

Let’s be honest – this is as scary as it is sad.

Another point of contention surrounding our technology-obsessed society?

These devices are single-handedly ruining your results!

Don’t believe me or, think this is sorta kinda funny?

Just think about it: the once-simple acts of eating and exercising has transformed into multitasking charades:

#1. Eating! Ever find yourself at the table (mindlessly) eating while (mindlessly) scrolling social media, answering emails or watching TV?

#2. Exercising! Are you that person mid-workout checking your phone, looking at your watch or worse yet – talking into your watch to answer a text?

While this might seem efficient and harmless, this level of distraction is affecting your health and ruining your results!  This blog is teaching you:

  • The benefits of going distraction-free!
  • Tips to ‘detach’ and be present
  • Why less screen time = BETTER, long-term results!


Let’s start with eating: incorporating the practice of eating without distractions and putting away screens during meals has profound health benefits!

This simple change can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle plus, better results around weight management, fat loss and increased strength/muscle. Here are the immediate benefits of eating distraction free:

  • Improves Digestion: Without distractions, you are more likely to chew your food thoroughly, which leads to better digestion and nutrient absorption and while reducing indigestion and bloating.
  • Enhances Mindfulness: Paying full attention allows you to recognize hunger and fullness cues so that you don’t overeat!
  • Controls Portions: Eating sans distractions = more awareness of what and how much you are eating. Distractions lead to overeating and in time, cause you to gain weight and body fat. By focusing on your meal, you eat appropriate portions and stop when satisfied. You should never end meals feeling stuffed and uncomfortable.
  • Improves Eating Habits: Establishing a distraction-free routine leads to healthier eating habits. You become more conscious of your food choices and  less likely to indulge in unhealthy snacks or foods.
  • Strengthens Relationships: Sharing meals and engaging with other humans, not devices, fosters better communication and strengthens relationships! Mealtime is an opportunity to connect with family and friends, share stories, and engage in meaningful conversations- all of which enhance your emotional well-being.
  • Reduces Stress: Eating in a calm, distraction-free environment provides a welcomed window to unplug and disconnect from the constant barrage of information: thus reducing stress.
  • Enhances Enjoyment: Distractions don’t allow you to genuienly enjoy food and, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love food?! Without screens, you can savor each bite and enjoy the overall experience versus getting to the last bite without even realizing you just ate an entire meal.


  1. Set a Technology-Free Zone: Create a designated space for eating where phones and other devices are not allowed.
  2. Practice Mindful Eating: Pay attention so that you can enjoy the flavors, textures and smells of your food! Eat slowly and savor each bite.
  3. Engage in Conversation: If eating with others, focus on the conversation and enjoy the company! Meals shared at the table are a time to reconnect and catch up with loved ones plus, this sets a good example for your kiddos!
  4. Create a Relaxing Environment: It’s all about the ambiance: set the table, play soft music and create a pleasant, distraction-free atmosphere!
  5. Plan Your Meals: Having a meal plan reduces the temptation to reach for your phone or other distractions while eating.



Whether it’s checking notifications on your phones and watches, tracking workouts on fitness devices, or scrolling texts during rest breaks, technology is omnipresent.

However, when it comes to exercising, this constant connectivity is counter productive.  Here’s a look at how exercising while accessing phones, Apple Watches, tablets, and other devices is sabotaging your results:

Reduces Focus: Constantly checking your phone or watch takes focus away from your workout. Less focus = less effective sessions, as you might miss out on pushing yourself or maintaining proper form. Say hello to poor results and increased risk of injury!

Interrupts Flow: When you stop to check notifications or read your watch, it disrupts your workout rhythm and causes a decrease in intensity and overall performance.

Disconnects Mind from Muscle: : Effective workouts require a mind-body connection: concentrating on each movement to maximize strength gains and ensure proper technique.

When your mind wanders, you aren’t concentrating on using the right muscles or how your body feels as you perform the movemement. If you don’t do the exercise the right way, you won’t reap the benefits.

Increases Stress: Notifications can trigger stress or anxiety, which is counterproductive to a workout environment. You want to create a space where you can relax and focus on your self and fitness!

Decreases Quality: Relying too much on tracking metrics (i.e. how many calories you’re burning) makes you fixate on the numbers rather than the quality of the workout. Again, this causes poor results and a disconnect from what you’re doing.


  1. Set Boundaries: Decide on specific times to check your phone and watch: before/ after your workout.
  2. Go Phone + Watch Free: Leave your phone in a locker or a secure place to reduce temptation.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: Focus on your exercise routine and be present in the moment so you get MORE outta your workout + effort!
  4. Find a Workout Buddy: Exercising with someone can make it easier to stay off your phone and stay engaged with your workout.


Knowing you are constantly plugged in and connected, every waking hour of the day, Results Fitness is 100% *Distraction-Free*!   All electronics are stored in the lobby so that you can focus on YOU!

Life is busy enough trying to meet the demands of family, relationships, work, etc.and we recognize that outside of your RF workout, it’s never really about you.  That is why RF is your own, personal haven! Your RF workout is a very short/small window of the day where it’s always only ever about YOU!

This is a space where you can disconnect and shift focus to your personal health and fitness so that you are concentraing on each movement, hearing feedback from your coaches / adjusting as needed, and getting the MOST out of your workout so that you experience the best results and stay injury free!

Being distraction-free allows for you and ALL RF Warriros to experience the best possible workout ’cause let’s be honest: no one wants to be in the middle of a workout only to have a phone go off or someone answer a call and start talking about personal/professional matters.

No thank you!

Once upon a time, cell phones and smart watches didn’t exist and guess what?

As busy parents and professionals, you ALL survived without them so you can (still) survive without them when eating and exercising!

I have faith in YOU!


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