

Today is all about learning how slowing down your eating can have a positive effect on hitting your goals, improving your digestion and being in-tune with your fullness cues.

Raise your hand if your mom ever yelled at you to slow down and chew your food when you were a kid (everyone raising them hands?).

Well let me tell you, mom knew what she was talking about!

When it comes to digestion, the process starts with chewing. As soon as food hits your tongue, you begin salivating and thus the digestive chain of events. The more you slow down and thoroughly chew your food, the better you will feel both during and after your meals. Eating slowly means you are being mindful and paying attention to your body – when it’s full and when it needs more. This is especially important because there’s a lag between when your belly is full and when your brain gets that signal (more on that below). so Maintaining that slow and steady pace helps your body make the connection before getting to the point of no return (known better as a food coma).

If you have specific weight/fat loss goals, this is an important piece of your puzzle. For this reason and so many more, there are many great benefits to taking your time while eating.


Improved Digestion: When you properly chew your food, you are giving your GI tract time to be fully ready and prepared for the next steps of the digestive process. The more prepared our GI tract is, the less chance we have of suffering from GI problems such as heartburn and indigestion.

Consuming Smaller Portions: Slowing down and taking longer to eat will allow your brain and stomach time to catch up to each other and signal when you are getting full. The more in tune you are with fullness cues (stomach is satisfied and comfortable, not stuffed), the more you realize when to stop eating before becoming uncomfortable.

It typically takes about 20 minutes for your brain to signal you are reaching fullness. If you scarf your meal down in mere minutes, you may be consuming way more calories than you need before even realizing your stomach is getting full. When you slow down and tune in to fullness cues, you will more than likely eat less. Eating less = weight loss/weight maintenance.

Increased Enjoyment of Food: When you take the time to slow down and savor your food meals become more enjoyable. Take the time to really notice the different tastes and textures of your food. Make eating an experience, not a chore. Food is meant to be enjoyed!

Whoa! Slowing my roll really does yield some cool advantages I didn’t think possiblewho knew?!

Now, if you’re reading thinking “ok, I totally understand it’s important to slow down, chew, enjoy, repeat but I just love food so much I can’t help myself “ hi, you’re in good company, and I got you! If you live in the fast lane and are the first to cross the finish line at the dinner table, here are 4 ways to change lanes and slow down your earing. Try one at your next meal!


#1.  EAT REAL FOODS: Real foods take longer to chew while processed snack foods can be consumed much faster. When’s the last time your hand hit the bottom of the carrot bag? How about that chip bag? I am willing to bet the chips won that race.

Try this: Eat a potato chip. How many chews did it take before swallowing? 4? Maybe 5?

Now, eat a carrot. How many chews did it take before swallowing?

This is a perfect example as to how it is very easy to get carried away with snacking.

#2. EAT WITH ANOHTER HUMAN: Having a conversation while eating will help keep some time between bites. Try this: If your dining partner is a slow eater, try to match their pace.

#3. BREAK BETWEEN BITES: After each bite place your utensils on the table and chew thoroughly. Try this: When you are ready for your next bite, pick them back up and repeat until the meal is finished.

#4. ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS: Turn off the TV, put away the phone, close your laptop. By being distracted you will easily be able to do more mindless eating. Try this: Make your meal your main focus for the next 20 minutes.

Here is a quick and easy challenge to see where you stand when it comes to the length of your meals:

Set a timer when you begin eating. Eat at your normal pace and see how long it takes you to complete your meal. I would like for you to repeat this over the next several meals. With each consecutive meal, see if you can add just one more minute to your mealtime. By repeating this exercise, you will soon become accustomed to eating more mindfully at a slower rate.

So remember, the next time you are ready to dive into a meal, stop and think about how you will feel during and after eating if you do not take your time. Do you want to suffer through indigestion or heartburn? Do you want to waaaay overdo it and eat more than you had planned? If the answer is no, you are lovingly reminded to chew, chew, chew and then chew some more!









Stay Fueled

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