

“Since becoming part of Results Fitness, I feel more confident and stronger. I have shifted my focus on how I feel versus the number on the scale. I know I am stronger and YES! I can actually do regular push-ups! For some, the thought of waking up early seems hard and maybe not worth it. However, I never regret getting up once my workout is done. I always feel better and am proud I am investing in myself.”



Before officially joining the ranks as a Results Fitness Warrior, my favorite and go to form of exercise was running. My husband and I have always been very active and running was a huge part part of that – was a huge part of my life. It was a hobby that grew into multiple marathons, a few 50K’s and a run halfway across the Grand Canyon and back with a group of friends. I was no speed demon but always finished races in the middle of the pack. Running was something that kept me going, something I looked forward to doing.

Like all things in life, you go through phases because well, the unexpected happens. Life as I knew it changed when my husband was diagnosed with cancer on three separate occasions in just four short years. This was one of the hardest times in our life and as you can imagine, spurred many changes and challenges. I immediately began focusing my time and all my effort into helping him. Thankfully, he’s cancer free for five years now.

During this time, I found myself in a cycle you’ve also probably experienced: gaining weight, losing weight than regaining it back. Normally, running would be my release but running started becoming harder. At the age of 53, my body just was not having it anymore. After failing to complete a 50 mile race I was prepping eight months for, it all came crashing down:

…I LOST my enthusiasm for running

…I LOST my confidence with running

At that point, I needed something to change the way I thought about myself and my weight. Something to break the cycle and bring me back to my genuine love for being active. It was time to stop feeling bad about myself while watching my energy level completely diminish. What I needed was a new form of exercise and fitness.

Then came Results Fitness. It sounds cliché but here’s the deal: I made the decision to check it out because I could literally see it from my office and at the very least, it’d be convenient. I met with Jenna from the Results team for my free Strategy Session and she was great! I felt extremely comfortable sharing with her my goals. Admittedly one goal was to do a regular push up and at the time, you could have offered me a million dollars to do it, but I wouldn’t have been able.

I decided to give it a try, and signed up for the 30 Day Kickstart trial. In full disclosure, I honestly wasn’t sure Results Fitness was the right fit for me. I am a really shy person and not very confident or comfortable in my own skin. Opening up and being around people when working out is not easy for me as typically I would run or workout alone.

“I had never had this type of experience nor did I expect it. I knew then that RF was different than any other gym out there. The sense of community and family thrives here, and they truly want you to be the best you can be.”



I remember walking in the door on my first day and my fears quickly going away. The Results Fitness coaches were so welcoming and ensured I was paired up with a “veteran” Warrior who had been part of the family, could easily point me in the right direction and show me the ropes. Everyone was so helpful and encouraging, it made my fears subside. I quickly found myself in a consistent routine of showing up to the 5:30 am “breakfast club” group class while looking forward to coming home and telling my husband about the workouts we did.

Prior to Results Fitness, I would never had though about getting up that early, and would probably be just rolling out of bed by the time class ended. Thinking back, there are two very specific instances where I realized this community was for me:

#1. We were all finishing our workout with sled sprints, and everyone was split up into teams. Upon finishing, I looked around the gym and noticed not one Warrior had left. Instead, every single Warrior was on the floor cheering, clapping and encouraging those still trying to finish to keep going and not quit.

I was in awe of this (especially as I was one of the last ones to finish). I had never had this type of experience nor did I expect it. I knew then that RF was different than any other gym out there. The sense of community and family thrives here, and they truly want you to be the best you can be.

Before starting my new fitness routine with RF, I never enjoyed any type of strength training because it felt boring. Once running become harder, I knew that approaching my “older” years meant building muscle was important to my overall health and fitness. This is where the RF coaches make a world of a difference. Aside from being great, they have a way of making workouts fun as well as challenging.

In the beginning, probably within the first couple weeks, I remember Coach Josh walking up to me, handing me a heavier weight and telling me “You’re stronger than you think you are”.

This message has stuck with me and I try to remember his words whenever I work out as well as everyday life.

#2. About two months after joining RF, I had to have foot surgery to fuse my metatarsal. I was not sure how I was going to be able to continue working out and was afraid the consistent routine I was in would be interrupted. After just two weeks, I convinced my doctor to authorize my release back to Results Fitness with the understanding I could not put extra weight or pressure on it.

Upon my return, foot in a surgical shoe and all, I feared I’d be starting all over – going back to square one. However, that was not the case. The coaches were helpful and ready with modifications for me so I could work out to the best of my ability. They continually checked in to ensure everything was feeling okay and made sure I did not go against my doctor’s advice. The coaches even offered to contact my doctor directly to ensure they had a clear understanding of all restrictions and what I was able to do. Thanks to them, I was able to keep active throughout the healing process, never feeling like I missed a beat.


Since becoming part of Results Fitness, I feel more confident and stronger. I have shifted my focus on how I feel versus the number on the scale. I know I am stronger and YES! I can actually do regular push-ups! For some, the thought of waking up early seems hard and maybe not worth it. However, I never regret getting up once my workout is done. I always feel better, and am proud I am investing in myself.

I love my husband also notices a difference and is proud of my accomplishments as well. I still have more fitness goals to set, nutrition being one of them, but feel with RF and my family, I have all the support needed accomplish any goal I set out to achieve!

I would tell anyone looking to get started with Results Fitness not to be afraid – TAKE THE LEAP! This community will greet you with open arms. The investment is well worth it, and you are worth it. Of course it will be hard work and you must be consistent, but if you are willing to do so, the Coaches will go above and beyond every day to help you obtain your goals!



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