

Always rushing out the door in the morning? Today we are using instant oatmeal packs for this meal prep hack to keep you fueled in the morning when on the go. Make this ahead of time and come morning, breakfast is served!

Oatmeal is versatile and fun because you can top off with the stuff you like for added texture and flavor. One of my personal favorites is chocolate peanut butter oats – yum! Join me in the kitchen now and stay fueled. Full recipe posted below.

Ingredients: Here’s What You Need


  • ½ cup oats

  • dry toppings of choice (dried fruit, shredded coconut, etc.)

  • pinch of salt

Peanut Butter Chocolate Oats

  • ½ cup oats

  • 1 tablespoon dark chocolate chips

  • 2 tablespoons powdered peanut butter

  • pinch of salt

Recipe: Follow These Steps

Combine all ingredients in a pint-size canning jar with a tight-fitting lid.

**Store at room temperature**

Add ½ cup boiling water to the jar and stir well. Cover and let sit for 5 minutes. Enjoy!


Stay Fueled

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