
Nancy’s Story of Health + Happiness Glory!

Meet RF Nancy who is no stranger to Results Fitness; having been working with Coach Josh and the RF team for more than 10 years! In Nancy’s Warrior Story of Health + Happiness Glory, she’s sharing her biggest fears before starting, how exercising has impacted her life and what keeps her coming back after more than a decade!

Think back to when you first started Results Fitness: what was your biggest fear?

I’ve been working with Coach Josh for a long, long time (before Results Fitness) but joining after Josh opened the new studio meant trying something new. At that time, I was going to be working more hours and was worried about consistency. I have always exercised but tend to put my own health second when life got busy. Plus, I am a mom of 3 and at that point, my sons were much younger and MUCH needier. I really wanted to make sure I was putting in the time I wanted and needed for me.

How did you overcome that fear?

Ultimately, I knew joining Results Fitness and trying the new way Coach Josh set up the gym and workouts would keep me consistent (he is a great motivator!). I also started with a friend and together, we showed up and helped each other stay accountable.

Making time for yourself when you have a family to take care of is often the last thing you think about. As a mom, and let’s be honest, as women, we almost always put ourselves last. I found over the years that I’m a better mother, wife, employee, friend….person if I take care of myself, too and especially if I’m exercising regularly.

For me, making sure I have my workouts scheduled in advance is key. I schedule a month in advance and try VERY hard not to cancel. Knowing I’ll be charged for a late cancellation is definitely motivating and receiving 24-hour reminders before my scheduled workouts helps keep me on track. I’m not crazy about getting out of bed for a 7:30am training session but by the time I arrive at Results Fitness I’m good and by 8:30am when the workout is complete, I feel great about moving on with my day!

(The other benefit to the morning workout is I’ve already had a third of my water intake for the day!)

The real reason I came to Results Fitness, besides Coach Josh, is that it’s so damn clean! I love that Josh (and the whole RF team) care so much about their business and the comfort of the clientele that they go above and beyond to make sure the space is the best it can be – always! I’ve been to a lot of gyms, Anytime Fitness back in the day (that was gross) and actually even work at a community center with a gym, not always much better. Results Fitness is the “Gold Standard” for cleanliness, and so much more!

What has been your biggest fitness struggle and how did Results Fitness help you overcome it?

A few years ago, I tore my meniscus while dancing on the beach in Florida. It was hard to walk and get to the gym because it hurt so much. Eventually, I had surgery to repair it, was on the couch for several weeks and in PT for several months before cleared to return to Results Fitness. During those months, I spent a lot of hours on the couch.

I know a lot of people who use an injury like this as an excuse to stay on the couch and out of the gym – forever. That could have easily happened in my case except that I am connected to Results Fitness and Coach Josh would not let that happen. Right after my surgery, Jenna from the team reached out to see how I was doing and Josh checked in regularly.

I was REALLY nervous about the injury – what it would do to my body, the progress I made up to that point and getting back to the gym. The strength training exercise programs at Results Fitness helped me get stronger and improved my balance. Getting back into the gym quickly decreased the amount of PT I needed; not to mention my physical therapist was thrilled I was being consistent with my gym /strength training workouts.

Being part of the RF family means people are looking out for you! The RF team wants to help you post injury and as a result, you genuinely want to pick yourself up and get back to the gym for your personal health. Josh and the team are always cheering you on!

Results Fitness Client Nancy

How is your life different now that you’re a Results Fitness Warrior?

If I’m not exercising regularly, it affects my mood so I can say being a Warrior makes me a nicer person (my husband would agree).

What would you say to people who want to be healthier, want to start exercising and / or are coming off an injury and need help?

Results Fitness is an amazing place! Yes, it’s a big commitment, but Coach Josh and the RF team really care about all Warriors. They’re going to make sure you succeed, will never make you feel bad if you don’t achieve your goals as quickly as you hope and will be by your side if you stumble. The workouts are challenging but fun and the coaches will always personalize the exercises to your fitness level and experience.

The coaches are the best cheerleaders for your success and if you’re honest with them, they will help you succeed in many areas of your health, including your diet. Even better? Life as a Results Fitness Warrior / the whole experience is FUN and made interesting with monthly challenges, games and special offers. The swag is cute and the best part, the gym is super clean!

Results Fitness knows the power of positive encouragement. Years ago, they gave me a gift certificate for a massage as a “thank you” for five years of consistent membership but more than that, they acknowledged me in front of the group that day and said thank you in public. I can’t even express how good the small recognition made me feel, and how I think about it when it’s time to renew for another year.

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