“ Results Fitness isn’t a gym, it is a family. The support that you receive is personalized for you. You aren’t compared to anyone else, expected to perform, eat, move, think like anyone else; you can be yourself and achieve your fitness goals. ”
Introducing Amy + Haley (hello ladies!) our beloved dynamic mother / daughter duo taking the Results Fitness playground by storm! Their enthusiasm to SHOW UP, embrace the sweat and always have FUN is matched be their commitment to work as a team, hold each other accountable and spark the necessary motivation to be consistent AF!
And, it’s not just on the training floor these RF babes are working in tandem. Outside the walls of RF, Amy + Haley are educators: leading the charge to inspire, shape + mold young minds. Their bond as mother/daughter and professional relationship as colleagues is unbreakable and through it all, they’ve discovered the secret sauce for living healthy, happy + strong. Amy + Haley have discovered for them, exercise is more than breaking a sweat. It’s another opportunity to strengthen their relationship and find meaningful ways to connect.
Amy was the first to test Results Fitness and 9 years later, the rest is history! To know Amy is to understand how important her family is and how she strives to set the bar and be a strong role model for all 4 daughters. Because of who Amy is, it was no surprise to see Haley follow in her footsteps and become an official RF Warrior after graduating from school. Haley is a bright light + kind soul – always smiling and the kind of human you genuinely want to be around. Together, Amy + Haley represent an important part of the RF Family and exemplify why all of us need that special “plus 1” to push us, challenge us, keep us moving forward and inspire us to step outside our fears and comfort zones.
For Amy + Haley, that someone is each other thus further solidifying and strengthening their relationship both on + off the training floor.
Amy + Haley contribute a positive energy, good vibe and can do attitude to Group Training. Every time they walk through our doors, they’re happy, excited to get started and never turn down a good reason to wear a costume for Halloween …..or any other excuse we conjure up!
In celebration of Mother’s Day, this Warrior Story of Glory is for all the moms + daughters out there! This an unbreakable relationship and though not without ups + downs, the only way through is together. May you find strength in one another, learn from each other and always be inspired.
[RF]: Think back to when you joined Results Fitness. What was your biggest fear or concern before starting?
AMY: I have been working with Coach Josh since March 2011 and before even starting, was terrified of going into a gym for two reasons: how I looked and because I am not a terribly athletic person. Our first meeting was my free Strategy Session so he could get to me, my goals and the best way to coach me based on what I needed. I distinctly remember thinking I couldn’t complete some of the exercies and felt so embarrassed. How was I ever going to do this in front of other people?
HALEY: I trained with Josh back sophomore year of high school training for soccer and cross country. Over the years, I continued to join my Mom at various Results Fitness events until officially joining last June, 2019. While I’ve always been very athletic and active, I was not in my best shape. In college, I faced many setbacks as a result of injuries (stress fractures plus ongoing back and hip injuries), and definitely lost the gains I had made. When i first started back with Results Fitness, my endurance, strength and my overall confidence in myself were at an all time low, and my biggest fear was never being able to get to where I wanted to be. I was afraid my injuries would flare up again, preventing me from completing a full Group Training session.
“After my first week, I KNEW the coaches were not going to let me fail. They were not going to let me get hurt. They were not going to let me settle for less than my best each day.They believed in me from the moment I stepped into the gym, and continue to believe in me and push me to be better than I was the day before. ”
[RF]: How did you overcome that fear and take the plunge to become an RF Warrior?
AMY: I don’t really know if I’ve totally overcome that fear, as I am still very self-conscious and get anxious about the workouts. Despite those fears, there are 3 distinct and important things that have really helped me stick with it: family, friends and the RF coaches. My husband began this journey with me and although he has taken some time off, he knows how important getting to the gym is with my schedule. My good friend and fellow RF Warrior Gina P. was a big part of getting me to stick with it. And though she may not realize it, she makes me stay accountable. Finally, I know the coaches believe in me and always offer encouragement whether it be in a text, email or while in a class.
HALEY: My Mom was one of the biggest reasons I took the plunge and became a Warrior. Her amazing results and continued growth are true motivators for me. However, those fears were still there when I joined: “What if I get hurt again?” … “What if I can’t do some of the movements or exercises?”… “What if I look dumb?” However, after my first week, I KNEW the coaches were not going to let me fail. They were not going to let me get hurt. They were not going to let me settle for less than my best each day. They believed in me from the moment I stepped into the gym, and continue to believe in me and push me to be better than I was the day before.
[RF]: What was your biggest fitness struggle and how did RF help you overcome it?
AMY: My biggest struggle was knowing it’s OKAY! to modify an exercise. This proved to be something I had a difficult time with, but have since realized it’s all about keeping myself moving!
HALEY: My biggest fitness struggle has been asking for help; I’m a very independent person and tend to like to do things on my own. However, RF has helped me realize if I want to get to where I want to be, I can’t do it alone. The coaches and other Warriors helped me to see I can do hard things, even if I don’t think I can or don’t want to at first.
[RF]: How is your life different now that you are a Warrior?
AMY: My life is different because although I’ve gained some of the weight back I had lost in 2011, I am still moving and completing some really tough workouts. Compared to when I first started this adventure, I have gained so much knowledge about nutrition and ways to manage my stress while meeting really wonderful people at Results Fitness that may not know it but are incredibly motivating.
HALEY: One of the biggest differences in my life now I’m a Warrior is the accountability aspect. I have people checking in on me all the time whether it’s the coaches, other Warriors and of course – my Mom! I have people who truly have the best interest in my fitness, health, and well-being and for that I am truly grateful.
“Growing up, I know I gave my Mom a hard time and f
fitness was always something I talked to my Dad about but never really my Mom.When she started inviting me to Results Fitness, I saw what a true Warrior my Mom is, and I remember thinking to myself I want to do that with her all the time.
Through all of this, my Mom has become my best friend. ”
[RF]: How has your time together @ RF impacted your mother/daughter bond + relationship both on and off the training floor?
AMY: Our relationship is very different from just a few years ago. Although Haley wanted to be a teacher since she was very young, she and I really didn’t get along and often butt heads. She was my rebel child. Now that she is a full time teacher, living at home and joining me at Results Fitness, I realize we are a lot alike. We catch up during a workout and are usually talking about our day, our students or when we can go shopping for something for school.
HALEY: Growing up, I know I gave my Mom a hard time. I honestly don’t know how she put up with my moods most days. I think I just didn’t like to admit how alike we truly are. Fitness was always something I talked to my Dad about but never really my Mom. However, when she started inviting me to Social Saturdays, I saw what a true Warrior my Mom was/is, and I remember thinking to myself “I want to do that with her all the time.” Now, we kind of do everything together–from talking and sharing about how school was, to crushing workouts, to our weekend shopping trips. Through all of this, my Mom has become my best friend.
[RF]: How has exercising together made you even more successful in your health and fitness endeavors?
AMY: Since Haley became part of the Results Fitness community, I don’t know the numbers but I would bet that my attendance has increased by 50% at least. We schedule our workouts ahead of time and she makes me more accountable; some of it by guilt but most of it because she knows I will feel better and less stressed. Even now when we are working out from home, we decide at the beginning of each week when we are going to workout.
HALEY: When I joined in June of 2019, the school year had just ended, and I was ready to join and get my new fitness journey going! That month, my Mom and I were getting to the gym 5-6 days a week and it felt amazing to accomplish that together. Being that we’re both teachers, we have similar schedules, as well as similar stressors. Most days, it would be easier to say “I have too much school work to do” or “I’m too stressed and tired,” but my Mom and I know each other-we know that we would regret not getting our workout in. If I didn’t have my Mom with me – guiding me, pushing me, motivating me – I wouldn’t be where I am almost one year later.
[RF]: Haley, how has your mom inspired you?
I’ve probably never told my Mom this but she is the person I most admire in life. I’ve never seen someone put as much passion into what they are doing as my Mom does. It doesn’t matter what she’s doing she always puts her whole heart and 110% into it. Teaching is just one of those passions. Since I was little, I’ve known since I was little that I wanted to be a teacher and being able to watch my Mom in her classroom – see all the late nights, early mornings, creative ideas, thoughtful lessons, and just the way she is able to connect with each one of her students – it’s truly inspiring.
I hope to be half the teacher she is some day. Her family is another one of those passions. I’m not sure how my Mom and Dad raised four daughters–but every day they have been our number one fans, our biggest supporters and made us feel special and loved beyond words. Lastly, at the gym, my Mom is the Warrior that inspires me the most. These workouts and training sessions are not easy by any means, and I remember after completing my first session with my Mom thinking “Holy (words I should not say), my Mom is strong AF!!!” If she picks up a heavier weight, or does another rep, or tries something new, I want to be right there with her. She’s my go-to partner and training buddy, and I honestly feel lost sometimes when she isn’t at the gym with me.
[RF]: Amy, how has Haley inspired you?
AMY: Haley has always been a very athletic person, every sport or activity came easy to her. Because of that, she wanted to be involved in everything! This is continuing into her adult life. She not only teaches all day but goes on to teach dance class 3 evenings a week and is a freshman cheerleading coach. I don’t know how she does it. She has the most creative and innovative ideas for her classroom and her students.
Although being 28 years older, Haley pushes me to think outside the box at school while also pushing me at the gym. If she picks up a weight that is the same as mine or heavier, I think I have to go heavier. I try to keep up with her pace and know I can’t but it pushes me! We are not the gushy mom and daughter cheering out loud and she may not know this but even if I am spent, I keep going because she is. I want her to think “Wow, my mom is still doing this!”
[RF]: Think about a mother/daughter duo out there like you before joining RF. They’re struggling with their fitness goals – what would you say to them?
AMY: Results Fitness isn’t a gym, it is a family. The support that you receive is personalized for you. You aren’t compared to anyone else, expected to perform, eat, move, think like anyone else; you can be yourself and achieve your fitness goals.
Haley: Results Fitness will challenge you and change you; and they will be with you every step of your journey. You can do hard things with the support of the RF coaches. You can achieve your nutrition and fitness goals because you, as an individual, matter at RF.
“You can do hard things with the support of the RF coaches. You can achieve your nutrition and fitness goals because you, as an individual, matter at RF. ”