
How Cancer Made Me Stronger

The Diagnosis

I have been a Results Fitness Warrior from the very beginning, starting my journey in the spring of 2010 when I met Coach Josh.

Before getting ahead of myself, let me take a moment and explain what lead me to RF in the first place:

In October of 2008, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My treatment plan was aggressive, lasting an entire year. Before learning this diagnosis, my main form of exercise was walking on the treadmill or outdoors. When I was feeling extra crazy, it was a Beach Body Turbo Jam DVD where I punched and kicked it out in the comfort of my family room. After being diagnosed, the goal was to continue walking during my treatments but unfortunately, I was wiped out and saved what energy I had for my family and work. At the time, I felt OK because there wasn’t another choice and quite honestly, I couldn’t really focus on anything but just wanting to “feel good”.

In the months following my last treatment, the focus became preventing a reoccurrence. My doctor and I met to discuss strategy, which included everything you’d expect to hear -eating a healthy diet and refraining from too much alcohol. Of course, the number one recommendation was EXERCISING!

Despite the long road ahead and the number of additional follow up appointments, I felt I had a second chance at life. I was looking forward to being “normal” again and improving my overall health so, I joined a gym.

A New Lifestyle

After seeing a flyer for Results Fitness, I signed up and the rest is history! Let me preface by sharing I did not jump right in bursting with enthusiasm. Hell no! I was hesitant about whether I could actually do the class because I was out of shape, didn’t have much stamina and my body had recently been through a proverbial battlefield.

Have I always been consistent? No. Life sometimes gets in the way but I’m thankful for my fellow Results Fitness Warriors and coaches for inspiring me to show up as often as I can. I love receiving the text message asking if I’m going to class or saying I was missed if I couldn’t make it. Getting to Results Fitness between 4- 5 days / week makes me very happy because it’s a physical and mental reminder I’m being proactive with my health and that spills onto my family and into all facets of my life. I’m a better person, wife and mom because of it. I am proud to share this October marks 15 years cancer free!

Before cancer, exercise was something I did if I had time or felt like doing it. But now, after experiencing how a healthier lifestyle can have a positive impact on my life, exercising is something I want to do. At 55, I feel stronger than I did at 40 or 35! Sticking to a routine not only helps me physically, but mentally keeps me in check. If I teeter with workouts and diet, I know what needs to be done to get back to where I should be. When it comes to exercising, we all have something motivating us to do it. Avoiding a breast cancer reoccurrence will always be a motivator for me. It is that little nudge I need every day to get my ass to the gym. I guess you can say I have breast cancer to thank for joining the gym back in 2010.

How You Can Help!

It’s important to mention the incredible services available throughout treatment. For me, The Gathering Place was a tremendous source of support. This organization is a local non-profit offering programs, services and activities for cancer patients and their loved ones free of charge.

I’ve participated in several of their “Race for the Place” fundraising events and the experience of meeting people who are walking/running for a survivor or someone they lost is amazing. Each of us were there for the same reason, but with our own story. Facilities like The Gathering Place are only made possible through the generosity of community fundraisers and donations.

YOU CAN HELP FIGHT BREAST CANCER: During the month of October, Results Fitness will donate $.25 to The Gathering Place for every single training session all Results Fitness Warriors complete! Our goal is to raise $18,000!

If you feel inspired to join our fight and would like to make a donation, visit our fundraising page by clicking the DONATE NOW button below. Any donation makes a huge difference and goes directly to patient programs and services. Thank you for reading my story and for your generosity!


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