

Meet RF power couple Maggie + Angelo. This Valentine’s Day marks their 6 month anniversary as RF Warriors AND their very first hearts day spent as a newly engaged couple – yay!

When the pandemic hit, life changed and like all of us, being confined and quarantined at home didn’t feel good. As the world slowly transitioned out of quarantine, Maggie and Angelo were looking for something to push them out of their comfort zone, ready to make some changes.

And, when it came to exercise, neither felt super comfortable in a gym because well, for most of us, the typical gym doesn’t offer much in the realm of making you feel supported, welcomed and motivated. It leaves you always wondering what to do, how to do it and mostly, uninspired to keep going.

All of this together lead Maggie and Angelo to Results Fitness, thanks to a close friend who knew it’d be a good fit for what they both wanted.

For this year’s Valentine’s Day inspired Warrior Blog, we are celebrating and learning more about Maggie and Angelo- here’s their story of health and happiness glory!


We have both always been fairly self-conscious when it came to group workouts .

You know that feeling. The one where you’re being watch by everyone else in the room and judged for not being in “perfect” shape or able to keep up.

These preconceived notions were always in the back of our minds and the number one reason holding us back from joining a gym “community”. There was also hesitation about the costs and if it would be money well spent.

On more than one occasion, Kristin, our close friend and Results Fitness Warrior (all members are called Warriors), suggested we check it all out and one day, we finally decided this was in fact something worth considering. Neither of us were happy with our weight and being confined to home with the pandemic was starting to make us feel stir crazy.

With so much going on in the world, we were curious about the safety precautions around COVID and curious to learn what type of “gym” community this was. Would it be like all the others (and not in a good way) or, would Results Fitness be different; a place we felt comfortable with people we enjoyed being around.

Trusting our friend Kristin had our best interest, it really sounded like RF had potential. After spending time with the RF team at our FREE Strategy Session, both of us knew we were ready for their 30 Day kickstart trial month.

And, by the time those 30 days ended, there was no going back!


Taking that first step to decide if this was a good fit was made easier by being able to do this together. This type of support system works best for us and together, we continue keeping each other accountable and encouraged to stick with the commitment we have made.

How it all works with scheduling classes and having to show up at specific times was the sort of consistency and structure in our day to day lives we both were craving.

And, for all you animal lovers, us getting out of the house provided our dog with some much-needed alone time!

Before becoming a Results Fitness Warrior, our biggest hurdle was understanding what to do and staying consistent.

We were both pretty clueless when it came to lifting weights and making it a full-body workout. Because of this, we tended to focus more on cardio-based exercises and not much strength training. Exercise was something we did here and there before eventually falling off the wagon.

However, we can now say WOW – did adding weights and learning how to properly use / lift weights make ALL the difference! The structure of it all has truly been a game changer.

Planning ahead and signing up for workouts in advance, building it into our day to day life, and holding ourselves accountable to attend the classes keeps us both consistent. Plus, going to Results Fitness is now a part in our day we actually look forward to.

And, it’s true! We genuinely enjoy getting our butts kicked by Coaches Josh and Melanie.


Since starting at Results Fitness, we both agree this is the strongest we have ever felt!

And, being in a consistent, daily exercise routine continues to have positive impacts on our lives outside the gym.

Why only do half of the work?

We are more conscious about what we are putting in our bodies, and Maggie is back in the habit of meal planning so each day there is no questioning what to eat or temptation.

This has also helped our mental health immensely, especially during these challenging times. The constant positive reinforcement and challenges from Coaches Josh and Melanie last long after we leave Results Fitness.

Looking back on the last 6 months since first starting, there is no question it is a great value and well worth the investment in ourselves.

If you are trying to find a good fit or “gym” that not only keeps you safe but is a place you genuinely want to be we both say RESULTS FITNESS – DO IT!

Here’s what our good friend had told us what to expect and now, we are sharing with you:

This is the type of “gym” community unlike any other. The people and coaches are so encouraging and supportive. We never thought we would find a gym we looked forward to going to each day.

If you feel like you won’t be able to “keep up”, Coaches Melanie and Josh do a fantastic job with providing modifications that still challenge and provide you with a great workout. The other Warriors are always so positive and encouraging, it really is a judgement free and welcoming community.


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