
Dad Strength: How Community Makes You Stronger

“Since becoming a member, community has taken on a bigger meaning since experiencing first hand how being surrounded by like-minded people makes you stronger. I was a member at LA Fitness for eight years and in that time spoke to a total of three people; two of those conversations went like this:
Them: Are you done with your set?
Me: Yes.”
— RF Warrior Dan


I have been a member of Results Fitness for 2.5 years. I am a husband to my creative and talented wife, Katie, and a father to three boys (Connor – 9, Nolan – 6, Benny – 3). Prior to joining Results Fitness, I was a member at LA Fitness. My normal routine would be to hit some cardio, bench press, curls, pull-ups, and ab work…every day. There was no variety, and I remember a number of days where I’d come home, just fold up the clothes I’d worn to the gym and put them right back in my dresser because there was zero sweat on them (especially when I skipped cardio). At LA Fitness, things were just fine, and I wasn’t sure I needed anything better.

“If I’m being honest, the fact my wife was a member at Results Fitness is what spurred me to give it a try. She was all like “…sleds, TRX, planks, other buzzword, foam roller…” and I was all like “Guuuuurl, I don’t even know what you are talking about!”. Since I feel there is a huge benefit in having shared interests with your spouse, I figured I’d give it a try. In the simplest form, Results Fitness gives my wife and I a community with common friends plus shared topics to discuss, and those are good things if you plan to be married to someone for the next 60 years.”

Since becoming a member, community has taken on a bigger meaning since experiencing first hand how being surrounded by like-minded people makes you stronger. I was a member at LA Fitness for eight years and in that time spoke to a total of three people; two of those conversations went like this:

Them: Are you done with your set?

Me: Yes.

As someone who isn’t a natural extrovert (especially at 5:30am), I can confidently say I’ve crushed my previous gym speaking record in my time at Results Fitness. The point is, I’ve made new friends – people who I enjoy seeing at 5:30am (which is saying a lot), and people who push me to break a sweat. I would never tell them they are helpful to their face because that’s not manly. But, for purposes of this blog, I am okay admitting it.

You need to be a truly unique person to work out by yourself and push yourself the way you are pushed at Results Fitness. I am not that person. My first workout was the start of the 2017 Rise Up program. This challenge was 8 weeks of training and nutrition coaching to educate and help people create a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

The start of Rise Up also included a performance challenge to see how many sets of a predetermined circuit you could complete in six minutes. I waltzed in there fresh out of LA Fitness and left (after not being able to complete the challenge) with my hood over my head, straight to my bed where I cocooned for 10 straight hours. It was obvious from that point that RF would be different, and I’d be challenged. When you see what others are doing in the gym, and you have the leadership of Coaches Josh and Matt, you simply push yourself harder.


I offer no inspiring before and after photo but I certainly have seen an increase in muscle, tone and flexibility. Perhaps most significantly, my mental health has improved since I’ve been at Results Fitness as evidenced by the live before and after pictures of my brain:

As you can see, the before and after of the mind can be just as impressive as the before and after of the body!

There is a great thing happening at Results Fitness, which the members understand. I’m appreciative of what the entire team does for me each week and look forward to seeing the RF community grow know how this will only keep me engaged, motivated and challenged to the point of never being able to put my gym clothes back in a drawer after a workout.

As they say, there’s strength in numbers. Dan’s journey demonstrates how having a community of support to keep you motivated and focused can have a profound impact, both mentally and physically; even when least expected.

If you’re reading this wondering how you, too could benefit from a thriving, positive community, get to know our lovable team and sweaty community of greatness with a FREE Strategy Session! Learn how you can achieve your health + fitness goals.

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