

“Before Results Fitness, my self-esteem was shattered and I honestly didn’t realize this until I was moved to tears because total strangers were cheering for me, encouraging me, rallying for me to do my best and “just show up” because that was all that I needed to do. 

I’m forever grateful to the RF community because I was so stuck in my life and used my last bit of strength to extend my hand to total strangers. ”


When I started at Results Fitness almost 4 years ago, I struggled to even find workout clothes that fit me. I was insanely preoccupied because my thighs jiggled about and my stomach oozed over my waistband.

Historically, I always felt judged and lost with what to do when I walked into any gym. Everyone seemed to know exactly what they were doing (except for me), so naturally I’d gravitate towards some type of cardio machine, sweat a little and leave. In my mind, I was developing a solid workout plan when I bought the latest edition of Self magazine, clipping the “workout of the month” to my refrigerator: 5 Minutes to Firm Thighs or some similar gimmick (there’s no such thing).

I would try the routine once or twice until my knees would creak the next day and the workout would disappear from the fridge. Little did I know I wasn’t doing the exercises correctly and THAT was WHY I hurt. The next month would reveal another $50 membership charge at a gym I never went to paired with yet another Self or Glamour article. Maybe one day I would have the motivation to be consistent?

Like so many of you reading this, I used common excuses to talk myself out of doing ANYTHING by telling myself “I’m just so busy with work, family and errands. Plus, I can’t afford another expense!”

And down my needs fell to the bottom of the priority list, complete with every excuse possible to womankind.





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“Like so many of you reading this, I used common excuses to talk myself out of doing ANYTHING by telling myself I’m just so busy with work, family and errands. Plus, I can’t afford another expense.”



For all of us, there’s a pivotal moment when things “click” and you realize you want to change, you’re ready to change.

For me, it was a Sunday in June. On that particular day, I was getting ready for an engagement party and slipped into an all black something since black is supposed to be slimming. My goal? Just be a wallflower…again. Besides, nothing in my closet fit anymore and going to the mall always ended with me feeling upset when trying to find clothes.

Now here I am at this shower and if you’ve been to a shower, you know the rituals: food, games and gifts. All guests were encouraged to snap impromptu polaroid pics to be shared with the bride to be. I distinctly remember how I felt as my polaroid starting developing: Total disbelief. WHO WAS THAT? Is that what I really look like?

[Admittedly, I’ve made a career of avoiding pictures, moving the attention to others or always being the camerawoman].

My immediate reaction was to snatch the photo from the album and destroy the proof. After staring at that image for hours, I finally decided I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. The next day I googled “personal trainers near me” and luckily stumbled on Results Fitness and even better, it was within a 1/2 mile of my office. After seeing an offer for their 30 Day Kickstart, what did I have to lose?

When I was being honest with myself, it was evident my health wasn’t coming first or anywhere in the Top 10. I wasn’t consistently working out or even moving my body daily plus, I was eating like crap and drinking like a fish. Before meeting with the Results Fitness team for my free Strategy Session, my biggest concerns were:

#1. Letting my guard down

#2. Speaking the truth about myself and why I wanted to change

#3. Stepping on the scale in the company of a complete stranger

#4. Agreeing to buy something else when my finances were already stretched thin

At that juncture in my life, my biggest fitness struggle was understanding, I mean TRULY absorbing the fact I could NEVER out train a bad diet.

I heard the words. I understood the concept, but never bought into it until belonging to Results Fitness. With every purchase of a trigger food or times stocking the pantry with cookies, I convinced myself “…it’s for the kids” or, “I should grab beer in case someone stops by”.

This crap was in arm’s reach and, after a stressful day, if it’s in the house – good or bad – it’s getting devoured (nod to Coach Matt on that phrase). After the 30 day trial, I was ready to transition into a full blown membership. Yes, another gym membership but this time it was different (it still is) as I have stuck with this commitment promise to keep my health a top priority. When I initially started this with Results Fitness, I was doing Group Training only. My decision to add Semi-Private Personal Training in my 2nd year and then Personalized Nutrition Coaching Program last spring proved to be the extra boosts I needed to begin accelerating results and leveling up. I’m not going to be putting in maximum effort at Results Fitness to then go home and unravel all of my hard work for a freakin’ oreo.





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I don’t recognize the version of me that walked into Results Fitness almost 4 years ago.

Not only was I wearing extra weight, I was covered in emotional armor because I wasn’t owning my truth in life. Looking back, I realized I was hiding my vulnerability and unhappiness behind a stoic armor or self-deprecating shield. I’ll spare the soggy details but those that can relate might find hope in knowing the old addage was very true for me: you must put on your oxygen mask first before helping anyone else.

“When I built relationships of mutual trust with Coaches Josh & Matt and the Results Fitness community, I had zero tolerance for any relationship that didn’t measure up or was unequal.”






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When I built relationships of mutual trust with Coaches Josh & Matt and the Results Fitness community, I had zero tolerance for any relationship that didn’t measure up or was unequal. Before Results Fitness, my self-esteem was shattered, and I honestly had no idea until I was moved to tears because total strangers were cheering for me, encouraging me, rallying for me to do my best and “just show up” because that was all that I needed to do.

I was good enough as is, regardless of my extra weight. So why am I tolerating anything less in any department of my life?

The confidence, clarity and peace I have found since joining and belonging to Results Fitness ran parallel to the self-improvement track I was implementing on a personal level. I built unstoppable positive momentum as a result.

I’m forever grateful to the RF community because I was so stuck in my life and used my last bit of strength to extend my hand to total strangers. In return, I was warmly embraced with a smile, encouragement and a community that doesn’t judge but simply comes together systematically to share similar goals and healthy values.

“I found my tribe and am all the better for it!”






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At first, I joined Results Fitness to get accountability for my physical image but became a loyalist when I realized  the workouts sharpened my mind, focus and thoughts. The only thing I would say to anyone struggling is in the form of a question: What Have You Got To Lose?

The last important item to share is regarding the membership costs. At first I didn’t think I could make it work for an entire year. However, once I considered the percentage of my income compared to the costs and removed the excess junk groceries and excessive eating out at fast food / restaurants, it was a no brainer and made me more accountable to ensure I was attending my classes!






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