
Bob’s Story of Health + Happiness Glory!

Meet Results Fitness Warrior Bob who is about to celebrate his one-year anniversary since first starting! Bob has lots to be celebrating as so much has changed in just 12 short months: he’s stronger, more fit, moving better, healthier, happier, and at age 60, more confident than ever before!

In today’s Warrior Story of Health + Happiness Glory, Bob shares how he overcame his fear of group fitness and how strength training has impacted his life both in and outside the RF studio!

Think back to when you first started Results Fitness: what was your biggest fear?

When I first joined the Results Fitness Family, my biggest concern was not knowing how to do the required activities. I have been part of fitness centers in the past and always felt out of place while watching others perform various exercises. Often times, I would watch them and tempt to replicate what they were doing…without any idea of weights, reps or more importantly, form!

How did you overcome your fear(s) and decide to get started?

Before Results Fitness, I had been researching different gyms and was looking for one with a community feel and good vibes. I was used to being active and loved exercise but had gained weight and wasn’t comfortable in a group fitness setting yet. At that point, I was on the brink of turning 60, two of my sons were getting married and it was time to prioritize my health. Looking ahead, I knew where I wanted to be and what I wanted to accomplish; it was just a matter of finding the right place and doing it.

The only way for me to get started, feel comfortable and truly know RF was the right place was doing some 1:1 Personal Training sessions with Coach Josh. These sessions not only provided the needed boost of confidence that I CAN do the workouts but also provided Josh the opportunity to learn more about me.

Though I have always been active and loved some form of exercise, my body hasn’t always agreed with me: I have 2 neck fusions from a work injury, which includes a metal plate and 7 screws to hold it in place, both my shoulders have needed surgical repair, again, more screws, 1 big toe fusion, 1 big toe joint replacement, and arthritis. So, if you wanted to say I had a “screw loose”, you could be right!

Given all these setbacks, it would be easy to give up however, Josh and the RF coaches have been so accommodating to work with me to achieve the necessary movements, in order to reach maximum output. Looking back at where I started to now, I am amazed at what I’ve accomplished!

After a few personal training sessions, I transitioned to Small Group Personal Training. I thought my first session was going to be awkward, assuming everyone else would be more advanced and I’d stand out as “the rookie”. I could not have been more off base! Everyone was amazingly kind and welcoming. You quickly realize that each was there for the same reason: improve their quality of life!

Each member was at a different mile marker in their journey, so each member worked at their own pace. The sense of “trying to keep up” with others didn’t even exist! I got to just focus on what I was able to do, using proper technique and not “rushing through “ just to keep up with others. That sense has not disappeared since day one! What I love most about Small Group are the people you get to meet. Everyone is “real”. No pretense.

How is your life different now that you’re a Results Fitness Warrior?

Now that I am a Results Fitness Warrior, I can honestly say I have never been in a better place! My coworkers notice a change, my sons notice a change, but most importantly, I notice the change!

Participating in Small Group Personal Training has helped me to successfully transition from my fast paced, poor technique workouts, to one that is ultimately safe and more enjoyable; especially when we get to roll our eyes with other members whenever the word “sled” is mentioned! It’s nice to be able to hang with people who are accepting of where you are in your workout journey, just as they are!

I am so much confident in social situations, in my job, and once, where I used to be ashamed to look into my full-length mirror and only saw disappointment, I now see a strong, fit and happier person, primed and ready to take on the chapter of my life as a proud, single 60-year-old!

Having raised 6 sons, the one thing I always reminded myself was that I am their role model. I have always tried to incorporate some type of physical fitness into my routine and as parents, you know that is not always easy your kids became more involved in school activities and sports, you’re working full time and taking care of elderly relatives. However, it needed to be done to set them on a path of fitness and good, healthy habits. I am so proud to say they’ve all done a great job of staying active, and that core value has now been passed along and shared with my grandson!

And about my son’s wedding? He requested a guys’ workout before his wedding and sent me this text:

“Thank you for showing us how to be active and exercising around us at young ages”.

Yes, your kids are ALWAYS watching what you do. As parents, it’s up to us to lead by example and make sure we are taking care of ourselves so we can continue being part of their lives and our grandkids’.

What would you say to people who want to be healthier, want to start exercising and need help?

I have often been a cheerleader for so many who struggle with their own fitness and overall health. Personally, I know how hard this can be but also know how important it is regardless of your age, injuries or starting point.

If you are struggling with your fitness or have reached a point in your life where you want to be more active, “fit” and healthy, I encourage you to start with small, baby steps leading to better health! First, find a community with “good vibes” who can work with you, accommodate your needs, understand your goals, and get you to where you want to be! That’s what Results Fitness has to offer you! RF offers a diverse range of programs based on what you need, like Small Group Personal Training where you can work 1:1 with a coach, Nutrition Coaching and a 6-week total body transformation program, Rise Up, where you learn how to build healthy habits outside the gym. There truly is a program for everyone!

I also recommend reading not just my story, but the many others from Results Fitness Warriors who also struggled, were nervous to start, had injuries and were brand new to exercising but since starting are healthy, fit and feeling their best. Something else I hear and talk about with friends is the financial commitment to Results Fitness.

For me, I found it best to consider all other costs and expenses: consider how much a round of golf costs every weekend, the amount of money put towards fads / fashion, medications to deal with chronic pain, dinners and happy hours, Starbucks / coffee runs. From there, consider all the important people in your life and wanting to be around and healthy for them! The importance of you creating a better, more fit version of who you are today so that you can enjoy more opportunities to interact with all your loved ones, as well as adding longevity!

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