

Today I am spicing up your life with a new recipe for April and…brace yourselves…a video so you can cook with me – booyah!

While we are spending extra time @ home with loved ones and / or furry friends, you should try experimenting with different recipes. We’ve got nothing but time and who knows…you could discover a brand new hobby!

This dish totally rocks because:

#1. You can get creative and use whatever veggies are currently in the fridge

#2. You get to use cool cooking toys like a Wok! But if you don’t have one, no problemo!

This month I’ve prepared for you Egg Fried Rice- to be paired with your favorite animal or plant-based protein! I cooked up some ground beef to be doubly used for taco night but it’s your world!

Let’s spice up your quarantine living right now! Enjoy!












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