


For the second consecutive year, Cleveland Magazine has named Results Fitness Best of the East Gym + Fitness Instructor!

There’s no denying what we do and who we are is only possible because of the Results Fitness community of irreplaceable and incredible humans! While words can’t appropriately convey our deepest and most heartfelt gratitude, we thank you!

For instilling your trust in our fun-loving (and sometimes quirky) team to help you live your best life.

For believing in what we do, and who we are.

For always showing up, even on days you want to throw in the towel.

For your loyalty and friendship, regardless if you’ve been part of the fam for 4 years or 4 months.

For all your hustle, muscle, sweat, and times you wondered if “sled flu” was an actual medical diagnosis.

For making meaningful connections with fellow RFers and becoming an extension of their support system.

For being a contributing member of the RF community and naturally, making it a better place!

Waking up every day and pulling in the parking lot of our beloved fitness haven never feels like work. It’s an indescribable feeling knowing we have the distinct privilege to help other humans do epic shit – all the things folks never thought possible while gaining the confidence and strength they never knew they possessed. Watching our community of warriors discover that hey! they can lift heavier weights or heck yes! they can actually get sustainable results AND enjoy life fuels our souls and makes our hearts soar.

We love you all – THANK YOU, RF FAM!

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