
Britni’s Story of Rise Up Glory!

> “In 6 weeks, I learned positive food and snack choices. I learned that cooking is actually something I am capable of doing AND the food I make is even edible. The things I learned in 6 weeks are simple, life changing habits that I put into place in my everyday life.”
— RF Warrior Britni
When I first joined Results Fitness my biggest fears were pretty standard.

Will I know anyone?

Will they like me?

Will I be strong enough…fast enough…fit enough?

Endless thoughts of insecurity always crept into my mind in any gym before Results Fitness. Much to my surprise, I felt welcomed immediately on my first day. Results Fitness Warriors (when you belong to RF you’re not a “member” you’re a Warrior!) are the most kind, welcoming and sincere group of people. The coaches always make a point to introduce new members to the group and it really goes a long way to make you feel comfortable in a new place.

Although I had already belonged to Results Fitness for two years, I was the world’s biggest skeptic of Rise Up In 6 Weeks. I just could not figure out why anyone would pay money for what I perceived to be just some recipes and a private Facebook group. I knew how to eat, I just didn’t like the “healthy food” as much as I loved the unhealthy goodies.

Despite my skepticism, I was in awe at the success stories I had continued to read about Rise Up. Admittedly, I wanted to be a part of something bigger, something that could change me. I figured I didn’t have anything to lose, so why not?

I took the plunge and went from the biggest skeptic of the program to Rise Up’s biggest fan! And, turns out I was so wrong! I did not know anything about nutrition.

“I learned about portions, healthy snacks and most importantly – I learned how to cook! I learned that the “healthy stuff” doesn’t have to taste like cardboard. There are so many ways to make healthy choices with delicious food! The support of the Rise Up coaches and fellow members was fantastic. I thrived on the Facebook posts of meals and was excited to cook new healthy recipes. I learned good food choices and the things to limit. I was able to take what I learned in the challenge and continue positive choices in my life every day.”
— RF Warrior Britni
Before finding Results Fitness, I was a bit of a gym hopper. I would take the latest group fitness classes, have fun then move onto the next option. I liked the classes until the newness wore off.

I realized my fitness wasn’t changing. I needed the consistency of Results Fitness and the help of the nutrition side of the game. Nutrition truly is a game changer when it comes to overall health.

Not that I belong to Results Fitness, my health and fitness life is now stable. I make consistent good food choices (and bad ones sometimes too). I attend Breakfast Club (5:30am Group classes) workouts 5-6 times a week, and feel like I have finally found my health and fitness home! And, it feels real good.

If you’re trying to find an exercise program that actually works and something you will stick with, you will never be disappointed at Results Fitness! There truly is something for everyone. If group fitness isn’t your thing, you can also do Semi-Private Personal Trianing or 1:1 Personal Training. and privates are options.

In 6 weeks, I learned positive food and snack choices. I learned that cooking is actually something I am capable of doing AND the food I make is even edible. The things I learned in 6 weeks are simple, life changing habits that I put into place in my everyday life.

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