

Today the Results Fitness community is celebrating the graduating class of this year’s total body transformation program, Rise Up In 6 Weekspop the bubbly!

The 2021 class of Rise Up Warriors boasted 66 people just like YOU – busy parents and professionals wanting to:

  • Feel better and be healthier for themselves and family

  • Be more comfortable and confident in their own skin

  • Have more energy instead of feeling run down, sluggish and blah

  • Understand healthy eating once and for all: what to eat and how much

If it always feels HARD to exercise, eat healthier and stick with a “diet” or exercise program, you are not alone.

This is exactly WHY Rise Up has helped over 350 people frustrated with how they look, feel and the lack of results, thanks to never ending crash diets and programs over promising and under delivering

So my good friend, as a coach and your biggest cheerleader, I bring you super exciting and life changing news that what you have been wanting and looking for truly DOES EXIST!

**cue the celebratory music, maestro!**

Yes, yes, yes! There is a very effective, safe and FUN way to get results, be healthier, happier, enjoy healthy eating and get MORE out of LIFE without dieting and hating exercise.

If you want to feel better and just be healthier, you do NOT need to go to extremes. You need something that fits your busy life and demanding schedule.

That’s why Rise Up In 6 Weeks teaches the importance of making health, fitness and healthy eating a lifestyle so you can do it forever without feeling like you are on a diet or restricted.

So, what was Rise Up all about and what kinds of results are we talking about in just 6 weeks?

…. Keep reading to find out!

First and foremost, our Rise Up Warriors were READY, and fully committed to making some serious changes to transform how they look, feel and live!

And, they did ALL of this (and so much more) without a crash diet, crazy cleanse or extreme exercise program.

Today, just 6 weeks later, they have more ENERGY, CONFIDENCE and overall feeling HAPPIER and HEALTHIER than when they started just 6 weeks ago.

Since January 25, these Warriors have been creating a healthier lifestyle by learning how to make BETTER choices; laying the groundwork knowing this is NOT a quick fix but a lifestyle.

Here’s a summary of what the Rise Up Warriors have been doing:

  • To get started, each set a 6-week goal and committed to 3 specific, daily action steps to support and lead a clear path to said goal.

  • The action steps weren’t crazy or outrageous but realistic behaviors and habits they chose that fit their busy lives and demanding schedules. Before even starting, every Rise Up Warrior knew exactly what they needed to commit to and do to hit their goal and feel their best!

After all, fail to plan, plan to fail!

Every day, the Rise Up Warriors were physically writing down and tracking their consistency with the habits and behaviors we know easily get in the way of hitting our goals. Here’s what they focused on:

  • Eating REAL FOOD and in the right portions to stay properly fueled!

  • Consistently exercising 3-5x/week – no excuses!

  • SLEEP! Hitting at least 7 hours/night so they had energy to get stuff done!

  • Drinking more water ’cause being hydrated does a body good!

  • Increasing daily movement outside the gym to help recover from those total body Results Fitness workouts

It was days, weeks and a month plus of being diligent, focused and committed to that 6 week goal and action steps. Here’s how that all worked:

  • Planning + being prepared: The Rise Up Warriors spent time meal prepping and cooking every week to stay prepared and have healthy, wholesome options readily accessible. They tried new recipes and discovered how eating healthy can be simple AND delicious! Plus, planning saves you hours during the week and sets you up for success!

  • Nutrition 101: During the 6 weeks, these Warriors were busy learning how food is FUEL plus what to eat and how much when it comes to seeing results and hitting personal goals.

  • Reaping the benefits of healthy habits: Snacking less, not feeling hunger all the time, having more energy, feeling happier, more confident and experiencing less bloating – just a few of many benefits when healthy habits are added to our daily routines.

  • Enjoying Meals! Chowed down on the food they personally liked! No one was force fed broccoli and kale -this is so NOT a diet! Warriors picked foods that were satiating, provided energy and made them feel less bloated and sluggish.

  • Friendship, Support + Connection! Warriors formed strong bonds with one another both on and off the training floor! They showed up for another and celebrated wins together. This fueled MORE motivation to push through when things felt hard or motivation and frustration settled in

  • Being Held Accountable: Each and every Warrior has held accountable to doing what they said they would with weekly check-in’s from their RF coach. This ensured all Warriors had the feedback and support necessary to overcome obstacles.

  • Tracking NON-SCALE Progress: They got professional progress photos as well as InBody measurements at the beginning and end to track their progress cause well, the scale is not an effective tool to use for this stuff. Annual physicals improved, cholesterol levels went down, high blood pressure dropped, and reaching for heavier weights became the new norm.

And, it wasn’t just doing more – eating MORE real food, exercising MORE, challenging themselves MORE; it was just as much about scaling back on choices that slow our progress:

  • Dining out / ordering in less

  • Scaling back / eliminating alcohol

  • Going to bed earlier instead of Netflix binging or social media scrolling

  • Staying committed on the weekends instead of falling out of Mon-Fri routines

The 2021 program was OUTSTANDING from start to finish, and we’re super excited to share highlights of their incredible transformations and results:



  • Average number of fat loss (in pounds): 6.5 lbs of fat / person!

  • Average body fat % change: 19% change! (ex: 30% body fat week 1 changed to 27% body fat week 6 = 10% change)

  • Average # of inches lost off waist: 1.75 inches / person!

TOTAL FAT LOST : Top 5 Rise Up Warriors with the highest fat loss in pounds

  1. Amy: 15 lbs

  2. Susan: 14 lbs

  3. Erin: 13 lbs

  4. Dennis: 13 lbs

  5. Jackie: 12 lbs

  6. Alexis: 11 lbs

PERCENT CHANGE IN BODY FAT: Top 5 Rise Up Warriors with the highest percent change in their body composition (lean muscle to body fat ratio):

  1. Chris: 32.5%

  2. Dennis: 31.5%

  3. Melanie: 27.5%

  4. Jenna: 23.04%

  5. Heidi: 22.57%

TOTAL INCHES LOST OFF WAIST: Top Warriors who lost the most inches lost off their waist:

4.75 Inches Lost:

  • Kathi

3.5 Inches Lost:

  • Mary

  • Heidi

  • Dennis

  • Linda

  • Gina

3 Inches Lost:

  • Haley

  • Meghan

  • Emily

Congrats to all Rise Up Warriors on everything you accomplished! Your RF team is inspired, proud and honored to be part of your adventures!

Keep Rising Up!

Coach Josh + your RF team






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