

Historically, the scale is the most used tool for tracking progress specific to health and fitness goals:

Been dieting and wanna see if anything’s changed? Step on the scale!

Started exercising and curious if it’s working? Step on the scale.

Started Keto after your co-worker lost 20 lbs? Step on the scale.

While the scale can be useful, it’s not the most effective tool for tracking and measuring all your progress and results.

Data from the scale is limited to body weight only.

Is this a bad thing?

No, BUT if you only use the scale, you are missing out on metrics that more effectively capture your progress, results and overall health!

Not only are you missing out, but you may also (wrongfully) assume nothing’s changing when in fact, so much change is happening (more on that later).

Plus, when you step on the scale and it’s not what you want / expect, you immediately head for self-destruction; convinced all the dieting and exercising to look your best and get back into your fave pair of jeans just isn’t working.

When that happens you either give up altogether or, move on to the next fad diet/workout in hopes that one sticks!

Without access to more detailed and accurate data, you can’t know what’s changing or assess whether what you’re doing is / isn’t working.

This can/will derail and stall your progress and results altogether!

Now, as I mentioned, the scale only measures your body weight and is a great tool if your goal is strictly weight loss/gain.

But, as a certified nutrition coach and personal trainer who’s helped hundreds of females reshape their body, fit into clothes and look in the mirror with comfort and confidence, weight loss/gain is typically NOT what most people want to achieve.

The majority of the women I work with come to Results Fitness wanting to:

  • Feel /be stronger!
  • Fit into clothes better!
  • Tone up + tighten arms/legs!
  • Rid the mid-section belly fat.

On the surface, you may think fitting into clothes and toning up has to do with weight loss BUT it actually has nothing to do with weight loss.

These are body composition goals directly related to body fat: something the scale does NOT measure, track or reveal.

So, when looking to achieve body composition-related goals, you want/need the right tools that accurately capture this data so that you’re set up for success!

One of the most advanced and reliable tools available to assess and measure body composition goals is the InBody scan.

And, lucky for YOU – we have one of these fancy schmany machines right here at Results Fitness!

Fun fact: doctor’s offices use this, tool – that’s how accurate and effective these scans are!

A major benefit of being a Results Fitness Warrior is having access to the Inbody and taking full advantage of scans to assess and understand YOUR personal progress!

If you’ve never heard of the InBody or, heard of it but aren’t quite sure how it works, keep reading! Today’s blog is teaching you why InBody scans are better than the scale:

  • How the Inbody measures your data
  • Benefits of regular InBody scans
  • Why Inbody scans = better results!



Here’s why the InBody is better than the scale:

InBody machines collect tons of data – from body fat, muscle mass, visceral fat, and so much more – everything you could want / need to know is revealed by the InBody!

Plus, it only takes about 90 seconds and bam – you’re done!

As your coaches, InBody scans are what we use to assess your progress, rate of progress, changes, and results to ensure you’re on track for hitting desired goals and experiencing the results you want!

Now, how exactly does the InBody scan work?  Here’s a quick science lesson:

An InBody scan is a super quick and non-invasive tool for measuring body composition: body fat, muscle mass and body weight.

Think of it as a ‘supped up’ version of a scale: you step on the InBody like you would a scale, only the InBody has a computer screen and handles!

Unlike a scale, the InBody Scan uses bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to measure various components of your body and what it is made up of when it comes to muscle, water and fat.

BIA involves a low-level electrical current that is sent through your body via pads you stand on and grip (sounds scary but the current is painless, safe and takes less than 30 seconds to complete).

Here’s the cool part: the current passes through different tissues in your body – muscle, fat and water – at different speeds and then measures the resistance and reactance of these tissues to create a body comp reading:

  • Muscle: current travels fastest through muscle because it contains more water.
  • Fat: travels slowest through fat because it contains less water.

Once the scan has been completed, a detailed report is printed with all your personalized data and metrics!  This data includes items such as:

#1. Bodyweight: The sum of all your parts. Scale weight can/will fluctuate throughout the day – this is VERY normal and to be expected!

You will NOT weigh the same first thing in the morning vs. midday and end of the day.

Body weight fluctuations are based on many factors: hydration levels, sleep, amount of food eaten, water retention (maybe you ate a dinner out, foods high in sodium, or enjoyed adult beverages), menstrual cycle, and whether you’ve popped (or not).

Body fat percentage = how much of your body is made of fat versus bone and muscle and is an excellent indicator of overall health – more so than BMI!

Maintaining a healthy body fat reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, promotes better joint and reproductive health, and improves sleep!

For reference, healthy body fat ranges for men are 10-20%, and 18-28% for females.  Again, data the scale won’t provide.

How do you improve your body fat percentage? 

Proper nutrition has the biggest impact on your body fat – regardless of exercise.

*Proper nutrition = eating well-balanced meals that consists of REAL foods (foods that are minimally processed/not chemically altered).

#2. Skeletal Muscle Mass: The muscles you can train when exercising (biceps, quads, hamstrings, glutes, etc.) and make up approximately 30-40% of your total body mass.

How do you improve your muscle mass? Exercise (strength training, not cardio) and proper nutrition have the biggest impact on your body’s amount of skeletal muscle mass.

As you age, muscle mass naturally begins to decline- womp, womp – and exactly why we here at Results Fitness preach regular, consistent strength training at least 3x/week !

We specialize in personalized strength training because it is crucial for maintaining strength, muscle mass, balance, flexibility, and mobility as you age!

In addition to strength training, proper protein and overall nutrition is 1,000% necessary to maintain and build muscle mass.

Not sure how much protein to eat maintain or increase muscle mass?  Ask a nutrition coach (aka me,*wink* *wink*).

#3. Total body water: Your body’s made up of approximately 60% water.

The Inbody scan will show how much water your body contains at that given time so that you can maintain proper hydration levels.

#4. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): The approximate number of calories your body needs at rest to maintain basic functions.

This number combined with your daily activity levels helps determine the approximate number of calories you should eat to achieve your goals.

#5. Body Composition History: The Inbody stores and tracks all your scans/ results so you can evaluate and assess trends, progress and setbacks over time.

As coaches, we use history to guarantee you are on track and stay on track to hit your goals!



An InBody scan is a powerful tool for anyone serious about understanding and improving their health and wellness!

Having a detailed analysis of your body composition helps you and your coaches make informed decisions and create personalized plans specific to your goals.

Regular InBody scans track your progress, keep you motivated, and help you achieve your health goals faster and more effectively. Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or looking to improve your health, an InBody scan can be an invaluable part of your wellness journey.

Here are 6 benefits of doing regular InBody scans:

#1. Personalized Health Report
An InBody scan provides a detailed snapshot of your body composition; thus offering insights beyond what a traditional scale provides.
This information helps you understand your overall health and areas that need improvement.

If you monitor progress using only the scale, the data provided is not a direct reflection of ALL changes that can be occurring.

For instance, if fat loss is your goal, not seeing your scale weight change may lead you to believe that you are not making any progress.

However, it is possible to lose fat without the scaling moving or perhaps, sometimes even increasing!

Huh?! How the heck does that happen?

  • Example #1: Your body fat decreases and your weight increases because you added muscle. If you only use the scale, you’d assume you gained weight when in fact, zero body fat was gained; you added muscle!
  • Example #2: Your body fat decreases 10 pounds, and weight decreases by 5 pounds. If you only use the scale, you assume you didn’t make a ton of progress when in fact, you lost MORE BODY FAT!

If looking to trim the mid-section belly, become more ‘toned’ or fit into clothes better, you need data specific to your body weight ‘cause the scale won’t show this.

#2. Personalized Programs for Targeted Results!
With detailed data on body fat, muscle mass, and water content, we as your coaches can create personalized exercise and nutrition plans tailored to your specific needs, personal goals and desired results!

The data from these reports is intentionally used when strategizing what you should eat, how much you should eat, frequency and types of workouts, etc.

#3. Track + Understand Progress
Regular InBody scans allow you to track changes in your body composition over time. This is particularly useful for monitoring the effectiveness of your current health practices.

Because changes in body composition (body fat + muscle mass) take longer than weight loss/gain, the recommended frequency to do InBody scans is every 90-ish days.

#4. Identify Health Risks
Understanding your visceral fat level (the fat surrounding your organs) and overall body fat percentage can help identify potential health risks such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

#5. Stay Motivated + Accountable!
Seeing tangible results is highly motivating! InBody scans provide objective data that can keep you accountable and motivated to stick to your health and fitness goals.

#6. Weight Management
Knowing your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) helps you understand how many calories your body needs at rest; which is essential for creating effective weight management plans.



Are you now feeling curious about your body composition and want to do an InBody scan at Results Fitness?!

Good news! Whether you’re a current RF Warrior or never stepped foot in our studio, you can schedule an InBody scan!

All Results Fitness Warriors with a 1-year membership get 3 InBody scans!  If you are not currently an RF Warrior or, do not have a 1-year membership, you can purchase InBody scans a la carte – Email us HERE!

Before doing your InBody scan, here’s 3 important recommendation to prepare:

#1. Empty Stomach: Food intake increases blood flow which can alter your body composition reading. Complete your InBody scan on an empty stomach or, allow 2-4 hours after your last meal before testing.

#2. Hydrate: Maintain normal fluid intake and use the restroom before testing. DO NOT withhold drinking water to achieve a lower body weight and avoid alcohol the day before testing (both can lead to dehydration).

#3. BEFORE Exercise: Exercise increases both blood flow and body temperature which can affect your results as the impedance value can decrease. Test before exercising or allow sufficient time to cool down.


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