

To our Beloved Warrior Nation:

These moments never lose their luster and your RF team and I NEVER lose sight of how these “pinch me moments” are made possible.

For the 4th straight year, RF is named BEST GYM IN CLEVELAND!

You voted, you voted some more and then you voted again. Since our inception, you have awarded Results Fitness with the HIGHEST honor and privilege: being welcomed into your lives and being trusted as your coaches.

And, for the last four years, you have awarded Results Fitness with the HIGHEST recognition: Best Gym in Cleveland!

This is a coveted, humbling and wildest dream type of reality right now knowing I am only able to write this because of ALL OF YOU!

It’s true, Results Fitness simply is THE BEST of THE BEST thanks to each of YOU! And, anyone walking through our doors for the first time senses it. Your kindness is contagious, your energy, infectious and your compassion, genuine. Results Fitness is not the type of place you “join”; it’s a community you BELONG to. It’s a family that cares, supports, encourages, and celebrates one another both on and off the training floor.

Because of you, people feel connected, welcomed, comfortable, and excited to be part of the family. That’s a really big deal. Our small family of 200+ Warriors come together, every day, with just straight love, respect and hustle to get 1% better, together. Now that’s something special!

THIS is what makes you THE BEST!

Yes, the start of 2020 was earth shattering – it was a punch to the gut we never saw coming. It was months of feeling scared, feeling lost and coping with so many emotions. It was months of being separated and pulled away from people we love and our normal routines.

These new realities didn’t come with an owner’s manual yet, here we are!

Prevailing together and celebrating together!

It’s the light at the end of the tunnel renewing our hope that the life we enjoy and the things brining us happiness are slowly coming into view again.

It’s the best possible feeling knowing this is a testament to the power of COMMUNITY and what being a community truly embodies.

Your RF team and I aren’t just grateful, we are forever grateful. Without you, Results Fitness doesn’t exists. Without you, your RF team can’t do what we do. Without you, life’s celebrations can’t be celebrated.

You are all deserving of this and so much more! It’s time to celebrate and feel really good about what y’all do as a community both on and off the training floor.

Thank you for allowing us to fulfill our calling and passion to serve humans so we can help make your life better! We will ALWAYS be here to challenge you, support you and care for you!


To the Results Fitness Team: Coach Melanie, Coach Amie, Mary, Katie + Jenna:

Back in March, our worlds got rocked, our realities changed and moving forward felt impossible at times.

But, in a very short amount of time, this team rallied hard and fought to keep going despite the harsh realities of a global pandemic.

In just a few months, this team came out on top, stronger than ever, determined and prepared to do whatever it takes to KEEP GOING!

It felt hard, it felt impossible and now, it feels SO DAMN GOOD knowing together, as a team, we fought like hell and we succeed!

THANK YOU for stepping up during such uncertainty, taking on new challenges, adapting as needed, loving Warriors the way you do, and for always being all hands on deck all the time.

I am forever grateful for your tireless dedication to RF and this community!



A social distanced celebration will follow. Keep moving, keep being you and keep living healthy, happy + strong!


Coach Josh









Keep Moving!

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