Get to know the RF Dream Team
Josh Mekota CSCS
Founding Father & Director
Favorite thing about RF: Helping people! There’s nothing better than empowering people to become healthier, stronger and more confident through lifestyle choices that will 100% change their lives!
Spirit Animal: This is a tough one! Definitely a tie between Dennis the Menace and Spongebob Squarepants!
Why RF Warriors Kick Ass: Their kindness and support of fellow Warriors! There is absolutely no judgement here: body type, age, gender, workout history. Warriors just want to help support and encourage one another. It’s kind of like a snowball effect of greatness!
COACH JOSH’s motto on health + fitness? Everyone should have access to living their healthiest lives. This is a right no one should be denied. As a graduate of Miami of Ohio with a degree in Exercise Science, Josh received his professional certification from the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Coach Josh’s affinity for connecting with people lead him to where he is more today: helping the humans he works with unlock their full potential.
For the last 15+ years, Josh’s unwavering commitment to empower others continues to spark life-changing results both physically and mentally. Josh brings out the best in everyone with his sense of humor, quick whit and ability to always find the silver lining. Josh firmly believes having fun (and being a little weird) is key: “Just be YOU” and the rest will fall into place”. Thanks to Coach Josh, exercise feels FUN and is something we genuinely enjoy doing!
Hidden Talent: Growing a mustache and looking like Freddie Mercury!
Nutrition + Performance Coach
Favorite thing about RF: The sense of community that all the members bring. I felt welcomed from the second I stepped foot in the door for the very first time and have felt that way ever since.
Spirit Animal: Not an animal but, Wonder Woman. A natural born warrior, pursuer of truth, uses the power of love to defeat obstacles, super human strength and speed and an all-around bad ass. What’s not to love!?
Why RF Warriors kick ass: One word: “UP”. They show UP. They never give UP. All while lifting each other UP!
COACH AMIE’s 20 plus year pharmacy career sparked her interest in how the human body works and is effected by nutrition and supplementation. Amie’s passions include fitness and nutrition as she believes neither is “one-size fits all”. She’s made it her personal mission to help people find solutions that actually work for their individual needs. Amie’s kind soul, quick wit and desire to help humans overcome personal obstacles parlays into her mad skills for creating realistic solutions and personalized nutrition strategies tailored to individual needs.
Coach Amie is ready to keep you eating and living well as RF‘s Master Nutrition Coach while empowering you to unleash your strongest self on the training floor as a certified trainer and women’s specialist. As a mom, Amie understands the importance of creating quick, easy and child-proof recipes for the whole family while always making eating healthy taste good!
Her top 5 favorite foods? Tacos, tacos, tacos, tacos, tacos!
Performance Coach
Favorite thing about RF: My favorite thing about RF is seeing everyone improve! Lifting heavier weights, working for longer durations and seeing all the hard work pay off!
Spirit Animal: My spirit animal is any kind of house cat: they’re cute, mysterious and a little bit goofy. Nothing less than the princess lifestyle!
Why RF Warriors kick ass: RF Warriors show up and show out EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. It doesn’t matter if they’re new to RF or veteran, each and every Warrior is striving to be the best they can be!
COACH MARISSA’s been a competitive dancer her entire life and knows patience, hard work and never giving up is the secret to success! Marissa’s motto for achieving any goal is “Too lit to quit!”. Getting started is the hardest part but once you get into the swing of things it’s intoxicating: putting in hard work and energy is LIT, making progress is LIT and once you start, you’re too lit to quit!
Marissa’s passion is being part of someone’s personal success, and she is excited to help YOU achieve your wildest health and fitness dreams all while infusing fun! Her high energy is matched by her unwavering positive mindset and attitude! She always helps you see the best in yourself, keeps you laughing, the RF jams bumping and of course, making sure you are up to date on the latest and greatest TiKTok’s.
Marissa’s hidden talent: she was a percussionist for 8 years and her best instrument was the timpanis.
Meet the RF Concierge Team: Allison, Mary and Jenna always accessible and readily available to help you live your best life as an RF Warrior both on and off the training floor! These incredible ladies are the heart and soul of RF – our “hostesses with mostest” delivering smiles, laughter, support, assistance, and FUN starting the minute you arrive! Our concierge team is there to welcome you with a warm smile, help you succeed, accommodate your needs, and make sure your hour at RF is the best hour of your day!